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They say too many womern and children is comin', an' that shows we want to take their land away fer keeps. "From now on to Oregon look out! The Cayuses cleaned out the Whitman mission last spring in Oregon. Even the Shoshones is dancin'. The Crows is out, the Cheyennes is marchin', the Bannocks is east o' the Pass, an' ye kain't tell when ter expeck the Blackfoots an' Grow Vaws.

"What's up?" demanded Banion. "Anything worse?" "Yes. The old fool's had a row over the ferryboat. Hit'd take two weeks to git us all over that way, anyhow. He's declared fer fordin' the hull outfit, lock, stock an' barrel. To save a few dollars, he's a goin' to lose a lot o' loads an' drownd a lot o' womern an' babies that's what he's goin' to do.

Irons had said of the latter that she was a most amiable and useful person. "The Little Cricket has won our hearts," she added. "We love him as we love our own." When Jack and Solomon were setting out in a hired sloop for the Highlands next morning there were tears in the dark eyes of "Mis' Scott." "Ain't she a likely womern?"

He was at a gallop now, and what he said sent them all back at full speed to the head of the Wingate column. Jackson riding ahead, came up with his hand raised for a halt. "My God, Cap'n, stop the train!" he called. "Hit won't do for the womern and children to see what's on ahead yan!" "What's up where?" demanded Wingate. "On three mile, on the water where they camped night afore last.

Farewell, sweet sir, partin' is such sweet sorrer; like ol' Cap'n Bonneville uster say. But o' all the messes any fool bunch o' pilgrims ever got inter, this is the worstest, an' hit couldn't be no worser. "Now, Miss Molly, ye're a plumb diserpintment ter me. I jest drapped in ter see ef ye couldn't tell me what hit was Kit done told me. But ye kain't. Whar is yer boasted superiorness as a womern?

"Who is that big sucker who grabbed my friend?" the stranger asked Brimstead. "His name is Samson Traylor. Comes from Vermont," was the answer. "He's the dog-gonedest steam engyne of a man I ever see, 'pon my word," said the stranger. "An' he's about the gentlest, womern hearted critter that ever drawed the breath o' life," said Brimstead. "If he don't look out 'Liph Biggs'll kill him certain."

He began to make tea and got out the last of their bread and dried meat and bacon. He was frying the latter when he said: "That 'ere is a mighty likely womern." He turned the bacon with his fork and added: "Turrible purty when she were young. Allus hated the rum business." Jack went out on the wild meadow and brought in the cow and milked her, filling a basin and a quart bottle.

"I thought sure he'd floor the boy an' me not quite loaded, but Jack were as spry as a rat terrier. He dodged an' rushed in an' grabbed holt o' the club an' fetched the cuss a whack in the paunch with his bare fist, an' ol' Red Snout went down like a steer under the ax. "'Look out! there's 'nother man comin', the young womern hollered.

"An' out there's the purtiest spot west o' the Rockies, My valley is ever'thing a man er a womern can ask or want. And me, I'm a permanent man in these yere parts. It's me, Jim Bridger, that fust diskivered the Great Salt Lake. It's me, Jim Bridger, fust went through Colter's Hell up in the Yellowstone. Ain't a foot o' the Rockies I don't know. I eena-most built the Rocky Mountains, me."

Hit were a piece o' gold Kit give me atter I give you mine. He trades the womern out o' her necklace fer all o' two pesos, Mexican. But she not talkin' Missoury, an' him not talkin' Shoshone, they don't git fur on whar the gold come from. "She done told him she got hit from me, but he don't say a word ter me erbout that; he's too wise.