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Updated: August 23, 2024

She seemed to sense his meaning and lay crouched upon the ground with her sorrow until Solomon lifted her to her feet and said: "Look here, little womern, this don't do no good. I'm goin' to spread my blanket under the pines an' I want ye to lay down with yer boy an' git some sleep. We got a long trip to-morrer.

My father has little left but his land, two horses, a yoke of oxen and a pair of slaves. So I am too poor to give you a home in any degree worthy of you. "Dear old Solomon has proposed to make me his heir, but now that he has met the likely womern I must not depend upon him. So I have tried to make you know the truth about me as well as I do.

Mounting men togged out, new leggin's an' moccasins their womern had made, warriors painted up a inch o' their lives, an' women with brass wire an' calico all they wanted maybe two-three thousand people in the Rendyvous. "But I never seed the grass so short, an' I never seed so much fightin' afore in all my life as I have this trip.

"I'd find that young feller Sam Woodhull that come in from below, renegadin' away from his train with that party o' Mormons him that had his camp jumped by the Pawnees. I got a eye fer a womern, ma'am, but so's he more'n fer Injuns, I'd say. I seed him with yore darter right constant, but I seemed to miss him in the ride. Whar was he at?" "I don't know as it's none of your business, anyways."

A few rods farther on, they saw a pair of old Indians sitting in blankets near a thicket of black timber. They could hear the voice of a woman sobbing near where they stood. "Womern, don't be skeered o' us we're friends we're goin' to take ye hum," said Solomon. The woman came out of the thicket with a little lad of four asleep in her arms. "Where do ye live?" Solomon asked.

Me, I hain't so highfalutin'. Ef I love a womern, an' her me, somethin's goin' to happen. What's this here like? Nothin' happens. Son, it's when nothin' happens that somethin' else does happen. She marries another man barrin' 'Rapahoes. A fool fer luck that's you.

She told me to-day she'd told you then; said she'd begged you to go on with me an' beat all the others to Californy; said she wanted you to git rich; said you an' her had parted, an' she wanted you to live things down. I was to tell ye that. "Boy, she loves ye not me ner that other man. The Injun womern kin love a dozen men. The white womern kain't. I'm still fool white enough fer to believe that.

"This man," said she, "jest acts out what all the men feel. A womern is nothing but a thing to want as long as she is young and can work. But this womern hain't quite alone. She's got a little sister with her that knows a hull lot better how to do for her than any darned man would!"

When they do come they'll surround ye an' try to keep ye back from the water till the stock goes crazy. Lay low an' don't let a Injun inside. Hit may be a hull day, er more, but when Banion's men come they'll come a-runnin' allowin' I git through to tell 'em. "Dig in a trench all the way aroun'," he added finally. "Put the womern an' children in hit an' pile up all yer flour on top.

But she did tell him how Will Banion gits some mules an' packs o' me. From then, plain guessin', he allows ter watch Banion. "My womern keeps sayin' not meanin' no harm thet thar's plenty more necklaces in Cal'for; because she's heard me an' Banion say that word, 'Californy. "Slim guessin' hit were, Miss Molly, but enough fer a man keen as Sam, that's not pertickler, neither.

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