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Whether I am a fit subject for such a jape is, of course, a matter of opinion, but.... Winton, you are normally conscientious. May we assume you looked out delubris? 'No, sir. Winton was privileged to speak that truth dangerous to all who stand before Kings. ''Made a shot at it then? Every line of Winton's body showed he had done nothing of the sort.

Then half a dozen of the Second Fifteen, who should have been washing, strolled in to condole with 'Pater' Winton, whose misfortune and its consequences were common talk. No one was more sincere than the long, red-headed, knotty-knuckled 'Paddy' Vernon, but, being a careless animal, he joggled Winton's desk. 'Curse you for a silly ass! said Winton. 'Don't do that.

"It all corresponds; slight, above medium-height, dark gown she affects dark gowns; but thousands of women are slight, above medium-height, and wear dark gowns." "At least it eliminates the very tall and the stout," Ranleigh observed. "Let me ask you, what do you make of Mrs. Winton's appointment at the Chateau at five, and her being gowned in black?" "A mere coincidence, I think.

"I'll fa' in wi't a' richt noo; ye needna hurry, Bawbie," he added, as he made his wey oot; an' syne wi' the door in's hand, he says, "The pileeceman's in a hurry too, ye see. He has to hurl hame Gairner Winton. He's lyin' alang in Famie Tabert's public-hoose terriple foo"; an' awa' he floo, takin' the door to ahent him wi' a blatter like thunder. If you had seen Mistress Winton's face!

Biggin endured his part of it manfully till the midday dinner had been discussed; then he drifted off with one of Winton's cigars between his teeth, saying that he should "take poison" and shoot up the town if he could not find some more peaceful means of keeping his blood in circulation.

"It's too bad that I should have to go," she said. "I shall be bored stiff at Lady de Winton's. But I can't get out of it except by telling a positive fib over the telephone. Dad, next time you ask Mr. Theydon to dinner, please let me know in good time, and neither of you will be rid of me so easily." She shook hands with Theydon.

"Nicely," he said; "nicely a girl. No complications." Winton's whole body seemed to swell, his lips opened, he raised his hand. Then, the habit of a lifetime catching him by the throat, he stayed motionless. At last he got up and said: "Glass of port, doctor?" The doctor spying at him above the glass thought: 'This is "the fifty-two." Give me "the sixty-eight" more body.

Winton's face expressed nothing but cold contempt. That this fellow should take him for one who would consider money in connection with his daughter simply affronted him. Fiorsen went on: "You do not like me that is clear. I saw it the first moment. You are an English gentleman" he pronounced the words with a sort of irony "I am nothing to you. Yet, in MY world, I am something.

Indeed, Winton's seat on a horse was perfection, all done with such a minimum expenditure. The hounds swung round in a curve. Now she was with them, really with them! What a pace cracking! No fox could stand this long! And suddenly she caught sight of him, barely a field ahead, scurrying desperately, brush down; and the thought flashed through her: 'Oh! don't let's catch you. Go on, fox; go on!

"She took it away with her?" "Took it, or tore it up, I forget which." "Tell me, Morty, was she very angry?" The other took the last hint of laughter out of his eyes before he said solemnly: "You'll never know how thankful I was that you were twenty miles away." Winton's cup was full, and he turned the talk abruptly to the industrial doings and accomplishments of the day.