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"If you think that I'm going to give up my quarters for a troup of curious sight-seers, you're mistaken. If that's what you turned toward me for, don't allow yourself to dwell upon it another minute. I'm a laboring man and I have to have decent rest at nights. . . . Do you suppose Cecile would really mind a tent?" And then Joe's face went red. "Now ain't you the pair of rough jokers?" he whined.

But now, rising from a comfortable sprawl on the yellow-and-green pavement, was a welcoming committee Nalik'ideyu and Naginlta showing no more excitement at his coming than if they had parted only moments before. Travis went down on one knee, holding out his hand to the female, who had always been the more friendly. She advanced a step or two, touched a cold nose to his knuckles, and whined.

They then thanked him for his kind hospitality and went on their journey, much regretted by Prince, who sat with a woeful expression and whined on the shore as long as he could see a flip of the boat's white sail in the distance. Maie had never uttered a word, but thought the more. She had good ears, and had laid to heart the story about Ahti.

Jasper's deserted cabin lay back from it a few hundred yards, but Tom had not any data to tell him when he ought to leave the creek. Cuffy solved the problem for him. The St. Bernard stopped, refused the trail Beresford and Morse were beating down in the deep snow. He raised his head, seemed to scent a haven, whined, and tried to plunge to the left. McRae came forward and shouted to his friends.

Their theme was our battery drill of some ten days before, a subject urged upon Flora by the mosquito-like probings of Madame's musically whined queries. Better to be bled of almost any information by the antique little dame than to have her light on it some other way, as she had an amazing knack of doing.

"John! go off to bed!" said the father, in a loud, peremptory voice, speaking to one of the children. But John, though he could not help hearing, did not choose to obey. "Do you hear me, sir? Off with you!" repeated the angry father. "I don't want to go," whined the child. "Go, I tell you, this minute!"

"About then," he said, "I had nothin' but Jenny and twenty dollars gold that I had loaned to Ruddy Boyd. Hans" he pointed to a stout German sitting on the Carolinian's left "wouldn't give me any more credit at the store." He whined and sniffled. "I'm not blaming you one mite, Hans," he said, "but I had to have flour and bacon, and all I had was twenty dollars gold that Ruddy owed me.

"You need not to brag, Maitre Denys; I saw you under the tree, the colour of your shirt." "Let us distinguish," said Denys, colouring; "it is permitted to tremble for a friend." Gerard, for answer, flung his arms round Denys's neck in silence. "Look here," whined the stout soldier, affected by this little gush of nature and youth, "was ever aught so like a woman? I love thee, little milksop go to.

Jowler wasn't killed faithful Jowler, he trotted home to Uncle Tim, who sat singing at his work, and leaped upon him, and whined, and tugged at his coat, till Uncle Tim threw down the blacksmith's boots and followed him, for he knew something must be the matter. Perhaps Kitty had fallen over a stone wall, and lamed her foot who knew?

But Blondel had recovered himself. "Come, come!" he said sternly. "What is this, young man? Are you drunk?" "Why was the door locked?" "That you might not interrupt me," Blondel replied severely, "while I asked some questions. I have it in my mind to ask you some also. You took him to my house?" he continued, addressing Louis. Louis whined that he had. "You were late then?"