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Updated: August 12, 2024

If our astonishment was great before, it was now beyond bounds. The identical buttonwood with its great parasite was before us, the dog barking at its foot! The third 'coon had taken shelter in its capacious cavity. "`Wagh! massa! ejaculated Abe, in a voice of terror, `its de same varmint. It ain't no 'coon, it's de debil! For de lub o' God, massa, let's get away from here!

"No," exclaimed another, "thar's too few o' them for Dacoma's men. Thar ain't over a hundred." "Maybe the flood tuk the rest," suggested the first speaker. "Wagh! how could they 'a missed our trail, that's as plain as a waggon track? 'Tain't them nohow." "Who then? It's Navagh. I kud tell thar yelp if I wur sleepin'." "Them's head chief's niggurs," said Rube, at this moment riding forward.

"You'll see better by and by," replied his comrade. "I had need ter, Rowl, or I'll butt my brainpan agin one of these hyur saplin's. Wagh! I cudn't sight a b'ar, if we were to scare him up jest now." About five miles farther on we reached a small stream. The storm had abated, but the stream was swollen with the rain, and we could not cross it.

"Nor a gosling," murmured Pepe; "and a gosling only betrays himself by trying to sing." The Indian listened again, but hearing no sound, continued, without showing any signs of being discouraged, "The white warriors of the north are but three against twenty, and the red warriors engage their word to be friends and allies to them." "Wagh!" said Bois-Rose, "for what perfidy has he need of us?"

"I see the leaves of an aspen trembling more than the wind alone could cause them to do. It is doubtless one of those fellows who has climbed up into the tree." As he spoke, a bullet struck one of the trunks of which the islet was composed, and proved that he had guessed rightly. "Wagh!" said the Canadian, "I must resort to a trick that will force him to show himself."

The muzzle of the rifle fell as he concluded, and the weapon was gradually settling into a steady, and what would easily have proved a fatal aim, when a tall Indian sprang from beneath that bed of leaves and brush, which he had collected about his person at the approach of the party, and stood upright, uttering the exclamation "Wagh!" My visor is Philemon's roof; within the house is Jove.

"I think, captain, it's Kirker." "It is Kirker, by the 'tarnal! I seed him down. Wagh! They'll lift his har to a sartinty." "Ay, they'll fish him out below. That's a sure case." "They'll fish out a good haul o' thur own, I reckin. It'll be a tight race, anyhow.

"Wagh!" exclaimed the savage, with another impatient gesticulation. "The Red-Hand is tired talking. One word more. Listen to it, chief of the pale-faces! Come down, and deliver up your fire-weapons! The Red-Hand will be merciful: he will spare your lives. If you resist, he will torture you with fire. The knives of his warriors will hew the living flesh from your bones.

And the man who said this pointed to the skeleton of the Digger. The idea was horrible, and under other circumstances would have acted as a sufficient emetic. "Wagh!" exclaimed a hunter; "ye've most taken away my stammuck. I was a-goin' to try the coyoat afore ye spoke. I won't now, for I seed them smellin' about him afore we rid off." "I say, old case, you don't mind it, do ye?"

"Wagh! that talk's all very well, but what do we know of you or yer cargo?" "Vaya! A bird in the hand's worth two in the bush." "He's a trader. Who's goin' to take his word?" "Rot his cargo! Scalps or cash, cash or scalps! that's this niggur's advice; an' if ye don't take it, boys, ye may leave it! but it's all the pay ye'll ever crook yer claws on."

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