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* "Le pillage a ete porte a son comble les militaires au lieu de songer a ce qu'ils avoient a faire, n'ont pense qu'a remplir leurs sacs, et a voir se perpetuer une guerre aussi avantageuse a leur interet beaucoup de simples soldats ont acquis cinquante mille francs et plus; on en a vu couverts de bijoux, et faisant dans tous les genres des depenses d'une produgaloite, monstreuse."

"Après avoir examiné attentivement cet objet, d'après les phénomènes que j'ai moi-même observés, et ce que j'ai appris par les observations des autres; j'ai vu que c'étoit l

When he said this I had a flashback, a moment of memorial deja vu, when the present and the past are morphed together by one thought, when one idea from the past and the present exists in such a way as to connect the two times around it, forming a nexus between the two moments.

"Pardon me," said he, "I never allow the king's letters to pass out of my own hands, and no one but myself can see them. But I will read you what the king says in relation to this affair, and you will surely believe my word of honor. J'ai vu souvent que ces beaux secrets reveles n'ont ete que des intrigues pour auirs au tiers ou an quart a des gens auxquelles ces sortes de personnes veulet du mal.

"Il a connu l'ivresse de la victoire: il a vu fuir l'ennemi" so a friend announced it. He was taken back to the hospital at Limoges, but the victory of the Marne intoxicated him, and it was found impossible to hold him back.

He has compensation, do you think?" She drew Nina a little aside, and sang into her ear " Ce soir, as-tu vu La fille

The second stanza is, with the veils partially lifted; with probably "MOISE" put into the first blank, and into the third something of or belonging to "CESAR," "Je vows ai vu comme... Dans des ronces en certain lieu Eut l'honneur de voir... Ou comme au gre de sa luxure Le bon Nicomede a l'ecart Aiguillonnait sa flamme impure Des..."

This comic scene, Du Desespoir, which affords such opportunity for the mime, although not given in the first edition of Le Theatre Italien, finds a place in the best edition . The editor has appended the following note: 'Ceux qui ont vu cette Scene, conviendront que c'est une des plus plaisantes qu'on ait jamais jouee sur le Theatre Italien. p. 408 a Man that laugh'd to death.

He was bursting with excitement; his well arm jerked and his sick one stumped about and he seemed incapable of speech. At length words came. C'est pas un homme, tu sais? Je l'ai vu, moi" and he indicated his eyes. We pricked up our ears. The balayeur, stuffing a pipe nervously with his tiny thumb said: "You saw the fight here? So did I. The whole of it. Le noir avait raison.

He convinced his auditors, both male and female, of its impiety and inutility, and caused hundreds of those pretended charms which, upon that occasion, were voluntarily delivered up to him, to be publicly burnt. It is no doubt, to these mandragoras that an old chronicler alludes in the following strophe: J'ai puis vu soudre en France Par grant dérision, La racine et la branche De toute abusion.