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The river, she is full of things." "Yes, I know, Xavier, but you will teach me to steer." "Volontiers, Michie, as we go now. But there come a time when I, even I, who am twenty year on her, do not know whether it is right or left. Ze rock he vair' hard. Ze snag, he grip you like dat," and Xavier twined his strong arms around Nick until he was helpless. "Ze bar he hol' you by ze leg.

"Volontiers, to say the truth, I was about to ask you to canter your bay horse with me first to Spring Gardens,* where I have a promise to make to the director; and, secondly, on a mission of charity to a poor foreigner of rank and birth, who, in his profound ignorance of this country, thought it right to enter into a plot with some wise heads, and to reveal it to some foolish tongues, who brought it to us with as much clatter as if it were a second gunpowder project.

'Capital! said he, in a rapture; 'dine on it with me to-morrow. 'Volontiers! said I. The next day, after indulging in a pleasing revery all the morning as to the manner in which Dareville's cook, who is not without genius, would accomplish the grand idea, I betook myself punctually to my engagement. Would you believe it?

We were all silent for a while, and Tiare fished out of her capacious pocket a handful of cigarettes. She handed one to each of us, and we all three smoked. At last she said: "Since <i ce monsieur> is interested in Strickland, why do you not take him to see Dr. Coutras? He can tell him something about his illness and death." "<i Volontiers>," said the Captain, looking at me.

"<i Voyons, Rene, mon ami>," came the loud, cheerful voice of Madame Coutras, "what are you doing all this time? Here are the <i aperitifs>. Ask <i Monsieur> if he will not drink a little glass of Quinquina Dubonnet." "<i Volontiers>, Madame," I said, going out on to the verandah. The spell was broken. The time came for my departure from Tahiti.

Je deviens par trop dependant de toi, je voudrais etre plus fort et pourtant je crois qu'on est plus heureux etant triste a cause d'une separation d'avec la femme aimee que si l'on etait insensible a cette separation. Allons! je ne voudrais pas vendre ma tristesse pour beaucoup! elle s'en ira le jour ou je te verrai; en attendant je la garde volontiers."

"On passer ait volontiers par les dangers du désert pour y parvenir." Those who understood her, smiled at this characteristic remark, and most felt disposed to join in the enthusiasm. Still, the manner in which their companions expressed the happiness they felt, appeared tame and unsatisfactory to Mr. Bragg and Mr.

Volontiers les humains s'apellent fortes-têtes Qui la plupart du temps ne sont que bonnes bêtes Et qui juste en raison de leurs étroits esprits De leurs maigres pensers sont beaucoup trop épris."

"Bien c'est une très jolie jeune personne!" returned the governess, taking a glance from the spot Eve had just quitted. "Sur le rapport de la personne, ma chere, vous devriez être contente, au moins." "If you will excuse me, Mademoiselle, I will go down alone I think I should prefer to meet Grace without witnesses in the first interview." "Très volontiers. Elle est parente, et c'est bien naturel."

'Capital! said he, in a rapture; 'dine on it with me to-morrow. 'Volontiers! said I. The next day, after indulging in a pleasing revery all the morning as to the manner in which Dareville's cook, who is not without genius, would accomplish the grand idea, I betook myself punctually to my engagement. Would you believe it?