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The day before he began his holiday he went to see Madame Carré, who said to him, "Vous devriez bien nous la laisser." "She has something then ?" "She has most things. She'll go far. It's the first time in my life of my beginning with a mistake. But don't tell her so. I don't flatter her. She'll be too puffed up." "Is she very conceited?" Sherringham asked. "Mauvais sujet!" said Madame Carré.

"Vous devriez la connaître, c'est votre première femme," replied Mme. Joseph Bonaparte. Jerome started, and with an agitated whisper to the other lady, the princess Catherine, they left the gallery. For one moment only the two "discrowned queens" were face to face. The next day Mme.

Vous devriez voir mon eglise a la Dominique; j'ai la une Vierge qui est vraiment gentille. 'Ah, I cried, 'they told me you had said you would never build another church, and I wrote in my journal I could not believe it. 'Oui, j'aimerais bien en fairs une autre, he confessed, and smiled at the confession. An artist will understand how much I was attracted by this conversation.

It was evident that Prince Andrew's ironical tone toward the pilgrims and Princess Mary's helpless attempts to protect them were their customary long-established relations on the matter. "Mais, ma bonne amie," said Prince Andrew, "vous devriez au contraire m'etre reconnaissante de ce que j'explique a Pierre votre intimite avec ce jeune homme." *

"Bien c'est une très jolie jeune personne!" returned the governess, taking a glance from the spot Eve had just quitted. "Sur le rapport de la personne, ma chere, vous devriez être contente, au moins." "If you will excuse me, Mademoiselle, I will go down alone I think I should prefer to meet Grace without witnesses in the first interview." "Très volontiers. Elle est parente, et c'est bien naturel."

We sat about the table over cigars and green cocoa-nuts; claps of wind blew through the house and extinguished the lamp, which was always instantly relighted with a single match; and these recurrent intervals of darkness were felt as a relief. For there was something painful and embarrassing in the kindness of that separation. 'Ah, vous devriez rester ici, mon cher ami! cried Stanislao.