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On y apprête les pieds de mouton avec une perfection et une propreté que je n'ai vues nulle part. Je m'en régalai d'autant plus volontiers que depuis Couhongue je n'avois pas mangé de viande cuite. On y fait aussi, avec des noix vertes, un mets particulier.

"/Volontiers/, to say the truth, I was about to ask you to canter your bay horse with me first to Spring Gardens,* where I have a promise to make to the director; and, secondly, on a mission of charity to a poor foreigner of rank and birth, who, in his profound ignorance of this country, thought it right to enter into a plot with some wise heads, and to reveal it to some foolish tongues, who brought it to us with as much clatter as if it were a second gunpowder project.

So this was not a wild country to our imagination, but plentyfull in every thing. We weare humanly receaved by the Reverend ffathers Jesuits and some other 40 frenchmen, as well domestiques as volontiers. We prepared ourselves to take the country's recreation, some to hunt, some to fish, but prevented by a feaver that seised on us all.

I hope, at least, they would have put the cause of my death in my epitaph 'Died, of an Englishman, John Russelton, Esq., aged, Pah! You are not engaged, Mr. Pelham; dine with me to-day; Willoughby and his umbrella are coming." "Volontiers," said I, "though I was going to make observations on men and manners at the table d'hote of my hotel." "I am most truly grieved," replied Mr.

For this purpose we begin to make provisions for the future end. We are tould that a company of the Aniot nation volontiers was allready in their march to breake heads & so declare open warres. This company finds enough to doe att Mount Royall; ffor the ffrench being carelesse of themselves, working incomparably afarre from their fortifications without the least apprehension.

"This is going back eight or ten years let us look more particularly at the article about which the discussion commences." "Volontiers" Mrs.

Un peu de chaque chose et rien de l'ensemble, a la Francaise: telle etait la devise de Montaigne et telle est aussi la devise de la critique francaise. Nous ne sommes pas synthetiques, comme diraient les Allemands; le mot meme n'est pas francaise. L'imagination de detail nous suffit. Montaigne, La Fontaine Madame de Sevigne, sont volontiers nos livres de chevet."

I hope, at least, they would have put the cause of my death in my epitaph 'Died, of an Englishman, John Russelton, Esq., aged, Pah! You are not engaged, Mr. Pelham; dine with me to-day; Willoughby and his umbrella are coming." "Volontiers," said I, "though I was going to make observations on men and manners at the table d'hote of my hotel." "I am most truly grieved," replied Mr.

Tres volontiers, most willingly, said she, laying her work down upon a chair next her, and rising up from the low chair she was sitting in, with so cheerful a movement, and so cheerful a look, that had I been laying out fifty louis d'ors with her, I should have said "This woman is grateful."

The river, she is full of things." "Yes, I know, Xavier, but you will teach me to steer." "Volontiers, Michie, as we go now. But there come a time when I, even I, who am twenty year on her, do not know whether it is right or left. Ze rock he vair' hard. Ze snag, he grip you like dat," and Xavier twined his strong arms around Nick until he was helpless. "Ze bar he hol' you by ze leg.