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"I tell you what, mon ami," said Pomerantseff rising, as he saw the Abbé making preparations to depart. "I am glad that my appetite, corporealized and separated from my discretion, is not in your wine cellar. Your Johannisberg would suffer!" "Prince, you must drive me home," said the Abbé. "I cannot get into a draughty cab at this hour of the night." "Très volontiers! Good night, Duke.

Yet there have never lacked such men to serve the Order; and as one of our enemies has said our noblest enemy, the great Pascal 'je crois volontiers aux histoires dont les temoins se font egorger."

"Tres volontiers, Messieurs it is my happiness to oblige you." Uncle Ro and I took the Madeira together; but I cannot say much in favour of its quality. "What a capital thing is a good Newtown pippin!" exclaimed my uncle, after eating a while in silence.

Do not salute your acquaintances with bon jour, nor reply to every proposition, volontiers. In speaking of French cities and towns, it is a mark of refinement in education to pronounce them rigidly according to English rules of speech. Mr.

She had a complexion of ivory tinged with red, raven hair, and dusky, long-lashed, mischievous eyes brimming with merriment. "Volontiers, Monsieur," she answered, before the others could catch their breath, "premiere droite et premiere gauche. Allons, Gaspard!" she cried, tapping the young man sharply on the shoulder, "es tu fou?"

"Will these ladies do us the honor of letting us row them back to Courbevoie?" said Müller, running our boat close in against the sedges, and pulling off his hat as respectfully as if they were duchesses. Mademoiselle Marie repeated the invitation to her aunt, who accepted it at once. "Très volontiers, très volontiers, messieurs" she said, smiling and nodding. "We have rambled out so far so far!

"Volontiers; but we can stroll in the Tuileries first, if you have no other engagement." "None," said Vincent, putting his arm in mine. As we passed up the Rue de la Paix, we met Sir Henry Millington, mounted on a bay horse, as stiff as himself, and cantering down the street as if he and his steed had been cut out of pasteboard together.

In regard to the chronique scandaleuse, there is no occasion for any report, as the Session seems a maiden one. I take it for granted Selwyn writes to you principally about Lord Morpeth, as I perceive he is in general uppermost in his thoughts, and the subject on which he converses le plus volontiers avec moi. Le seul bien qui nous rests, &c. We had a debate on Monday, when Mr.

She had a complexion of ivory tinged with red, raven hair, and dusky, long-lashed, mischievous eyes brimming with merriment. "Volontiers, Monsieur," she answered, before the others could catch their breath, "premiere droite et premiere gauche. Allons, Gaspard!" she cried, tapping the young man sharply on the shoulder, "es tu fou?"

"Volontiers; but we can stroll in the Tuileries first, if you have no other engagement." "None," said Vincent, putting his arm in mine. As we passed up the Rue de la Paix, we met Sir Henry Millington, mounted on a bay horse, as stiff as himself, and cantering down the street as if he and his steed had been cut out of pasteboard together.