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Updated: August 16, 2024

And when I had got that finished, I begins to get tired; for nothin' makes me so peskilly oneasy as to be kept waitin'; for if a Clockmaker don't know the valy of time, who the plague does? "So jist to pass it away, I began to hum 'Jim Brown. Did you ever hear it, Squire? it's a'most a beautiful air, as most all them nigger songs are.

You don't keer whether the bull, or the horse, or the rider is killed, none of 'em is nothin' to you; so you can enjoy it, and hurror for him that wins. I don't keer who carries the day, the valy of a treat of julep, but I want to see the sport. It's excitin', them things. Come, let's go." We were unfortunate.

He stand so much sun, he ain't easy combustioned in his entails. "'Go on, sais they. "Well, my bredren," sais I, "I will dilate to you the valy of a niggar, as put in one scale and white man in de oder. Now, bredren, you know a sparrer can't fall to de ground no how he can fix it, but de Lord knows it in course ob argument you do. Well, you knows twelve sparrers sell in de market for one penny.

Now he who splits one of these here sects by schism, or he who preaches schism, commits a grievous sin; and Sam, if you valy your own peace of mind, have nothin to do with such folks. Its pretty much the same in Politics. I aint quite clear in my conscience, Sam, about our glorious revolution.

One Arabic letter found among his papers was addressed to the Ministry of War at Constantinople, and appears to have been a copy of a report sent off by him just before his arrest. It is worth quoting as a footnote to history: "I arrived at Mecca, where I met the Valy and Commandant, Wahib Bey, and gave him my information.

Says father, THERE'S A MORAL SAM, IN EVERY THING IN NATUR. Never have nothin to do with elections, you see the valy of popularity in the case of that are horse sarve the public 999 times, and the 1,000th, if they don't agree with you, they desart and abuse you see how they sarved old John Adams, see how they let Jefferson starve in his old age, see how good old Munroe like to have got right into Jail, after his term of President was up.

According to my idee you have no more right to take them, than you have to take my clocks without payin for 'em. A man that would be guilty of such an action is no gentleman, that's flat, and if you don't like it, you may lump it for I don't valy him nor you, neither, nor are a Blue Nose that ever stept in shoe leather the matter of a pin's head.

As for my expenses, I took from the Valy Commandant sixteen Turkish pounds and three pounds sterling for the necessary expenses of the journey by steamer and land. I have every wish for the prosperity of the Religion and for the Sultan's victory over the unbelievers."

Then, lighting his cigar, he said in his usual quiet manner, there's a plaguy sight of truth in them are old proverbs. They are distilled facts steamed down to an essence. They are like portable soup, an amazin deal of matter in a small compass. They are what I valy most, experience.

Hit'll be a long try, 'cause I can't buy mine so cheap as I got yo's, dough de Lawd knows why a great big ol' hunk lak me should cos' mo'n a precious mossell lak you." "Hit's because dey's so much of you, Ben, an' evah bit of you's wo'th its weight in gol'." "Heish, chile! Don' put my valy so high, er I'll be twell jedgment day a-payin' hit off."

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