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There, too, in those long, solitary vigils, the Spirit of God came upon him, and the spirit of Nature was even as God's Spirit, and he sang: 'Laudato sia Dio mio Signore, con tutte le creature, specialmente messer lo frate sole; per suor luna, e per le stelle; per frate vento e per l'aire, e nuvolo, e sereno e ogni tempo. Half the value of this hymn would be lost were we to forget how it was written, in what solitudes and mountains far from men, or to ticket it with some abstract word like Pantheism.

"Perocche, condizione e del' amore d' amare quando si sente amare, d' amare tutte le cose che ama colui ch' egli ama. E pero, a mano che l' anima ha conosciuto l' amore del suo Creatore verso di lui, l' ama: e amandolo, ama tutte quelle cose che Dio ama." "For it is of the nature of love, to love when it feels itself loved, and to love all things loved of its beloved.

We thus see that its postulate is the same as that of the religious sentiment. Wherein then do they differ? Not in the recognition of chance. Accident, chance, does not exist for the religious sense in any stage of its growth. Everywhere religion proclaims in the words of Dante: “le cose tutte quante, Hann’ ordine tra loro;”

It was virtue which bore me up in time of trouble; to her, next to my art, I owe thanks for my not having laid violent hands on myself." That Mozart had been able to compose music to such libretti as those of "Don Giovanni" and "Cosi fan tutte" filed him with pained wonder.

Io mi uolfi abeatrice et quella udio pria chio parlaffi et arofemi un cenno che fece crefcer lali aluoler mio Poi cominciai con leefftto elfenno come laprima equalita napparfe dun pefo per ciafchun di noi fi fenno Pero chel fole che nallumo et arfe colcaldo et conlaluce et fi iguali che tutte fimiglianze fono fcarfe.

to whom, with all the readiness of the bucolic shepherds, whom this classic soil even now produces, Card. Sorbelloni, the Pope's cousin, replied: Risponda dunque; O beata sorte! Risponda alla divina cantilena Da tutte parti la beata Corte, Si ch' ogni vista ne sia pi

Perocche al Sol, che v' allumo ed arse Col caldo e con la luce, en si iguali, Che tutte simiglianze sono scarse. "I turned to Beatrice, and she heard before I spoke, and smiled on me a sign which added wings to my desire.

The description of the feast takes up three pages of the history of Corio, where we find a minute list of the dishes wild boars and deer and peacocks, roasted whole; peeled oranges, gilt and sugared; gilt rolls; rosewater for washing; and the tales of Perseus, Atalanta, Hercules, etc., I wrought in pastry tutte in vivande.

'Così fan tutte, his next work, was produced at Vienna in January, 1790. It has never been so successful as its two predecessors, chiefly on account of its libretto, which, though a brisk little comedy of intrigue, is almost too slight to bear a musical setting.

La signora perla ricono la riverisce tanto come anche tutte le altre perle, e li assicuro che tutte sono inamorata di lei, e che sperano che lei prendera per moglie tutte, come i Turchi per contenar tutte sei. Questo scrivo in casa di Sign.