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Scarcely an hour passed ere Trude returned as fleetly as she went. She cast only a look into the kitchen, and hastened up to Marie's room. Her success was evident in her happy, smiling face, and coming home she had repeated to herself, "How happy Marie will be!" almost the entire way.

He has sworn to publicly show his contempt for you, and therefore his friends wish you to be apprised of it, and not encounter him in society." "It is well, I thank you," said Marie, rising; "I will act accordingly. Kiss me once more, my dear mother, and let me repose my weary head upon your bosom. Ah, Trude, what a sorrow life is!" "You will yet learn to love it again, Marie."

Into the simple, quiet room, at the baroness's request, Trude opened the door, saying, "Here we can be alone." Marie pointed silently to the second door, and the old woman nodded: "That is it," said she. "I have done every thing as you directed. After you left, they sent me the furniture of your little garret-room, which I have arranged exactly as it stood there."

After a long silence, when her grief was too deep for tears, she drew the handkerchief from her face, the pallor and rigidity of which startled Trude. She sprang forward, folding her in her arms. "Marie, child of my heart, do weep, do complain! I know that he loved you dearly, and deserves that you should mourn for him. Have you no more confidence, though, in your old Trude?

Marie has lost a mother, but she shall find a father in me. I will watch over her until your return." Just then the door opened, and Trude entered. "Every thing is ready; all the things which used to stand in the little garret-room are packed and sent to the manufactory. Shall we go, too, dear child?" "Yes," she cried, embracing the faithful old woman. "Farewell, Philip Italy calls you!"

"It's awfully companionable to realize that you also are human, 'Trude," he hazarded on the doorstep. Gertrude put a still hand into his, which is a way of saying "Good night," that may be more formal than any other. "The Colonel's lady, and July O'Grady," she quoted lightly. "Good night, Jimmie."

"A nice, pretty piece of impudence it was, to be sure, when she hadn't been in the house for five year, to 'trude herself the minute Miss Ellice's breath had left her precious body, the poor dear!" ejaculated Chloe, the cook, who was intensely black, and fat to immensity.

Trude entered suddenly and noiselessly the sitting-room, and interrupted the angry reproaches which Frau von Werrig hurled against Marie in a furious stream of words. The countess's rage turned against Trude, who stared as if to challenge her. "What do you want? How dare you enter uncalled?" "I thought you were calling deaf old Trude, or why did you scream so?" replied Trude, tartly.

For it would be a dreadful injustice to make me suffer for the general's rage for play, and show but little gratitude for the riches which I brought her. You will tell my daughter all this, Trude, and " "I will not tell her any thing at all, Frau von Werrig," interrupted. Trude, warmly. "May my good genius keep me from that, and burdening my conscience with such falsehoods. Hark!

"You are very cruel to remind me of it, Marie," he softly whispered. She laughed aloud so wild and savagely, that even her mother was startled. "Cruel I cruel!" she cried. "Ah, sir, it becomes you indeed to accuse me of it!" Trude entered at this instant, pale and excited. "What is the matter?"