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I will implore this man to have pity upon me, and confide in him to whom they would sell me." Trude shook her head mournfully. "I fear it will be in vain, dear child. This man has no heart. I have proved him, and I know it. Hark the bell rings! Who can it be?" Both stepped out of the little garret-room to peep over the banister.

Did he not tell you about it?" "No, my dearest Marie," sighed old Trude. "There is no word, no message from him. I have been twenty times to the baker's in eight days, and waited at the corner of the street, where we agreed to meet, but no Moritz was there, and I have not been able to hear any thing about him." "Something must have happened to him," sighed Marie.

"You are a miserable scamp!" cried Ebenstreit, enraged; "I will inform the police. There are means enough to force you to give the information." "I do not believe it. Trude will not tell you, and I should like to know what can force me if I will not. The king has done away with torture, and I have informed you how to make me speak. Three thousand thalers and a clerkship in your office.

They have already sent for the flowers twice, and the French lady is waiting up-stairs to parlez-vous." Marie looked her friendly thanks, and quietly and quickly left the room. "Now, bold woman, I have a last word to say to you. Who locked the door when that creature came?" "I, madame," answered Trude, who was just bringing a great cushion from the back-room to cover the general's feet.

"That is well," said Trude, gently; "you must awaken from this hardened indifference; giving way to your grief in tears will soften your heart, and it will again be penetrated with the love of God and mankind. I will tell you every thing; you ought to know how poor, dear Moritz suffered. After he vented his rage he became melancholy, and withdrew to Halle in solitude, living in a hay-loft.

"Four hundred thalers is a pretty sum," repeated Trude, in a low voice to herself. "I might buy myself a place in the hospital, and have enough left to get me a new bed and neat furniture and " Here her voice was lost in unintelligible mumbling, and, much excited, she appeared to count eagerly.

Is that the way you intend to go looking as the housekeeper of a rich and genteel family? Go, Trude, quickly, and put something better on, that you may receive your master and mistress in a suitable dress." "I shall remain as I am, for I am very properly dressed.

"There is some one here who wishes to speak with you, Marie; he has something very important to tell you." "How dare you announce any one without my permission?" cried Frau von Werrig. "Silence, mother! if I may be allowed, let us hear who it is. Speak, dear Trude, who is it?" "It is the Director Gedicke from the Gray Cloister," said Trude, with quivering voice.

"Yes, that she will," sneered Trude, outside the door. "It will be difficult for her to send him off so long as I am unwilling." "No, I will not permit it. We have nothing to do with each other. Out of my sight! Away!" "Away!" cried the general. "Oh, the gout, the maddening pains! I cannot throw the bold fellow out of the house! I must lie here, and writhe like a worm!

"You forget with whom you speak, Frau von Werrig," Trude interrupted her, scornfully, "and that it does not become you to speak of Marie to old Trude, but you should remember her title."