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Elsie started up, but sat down again, feeling that she would much rather do without her supper than show her tear-swollen eyes and tied-up hand at the table. But she was not to be left to her choice in the matter, for presently there came a messenger bringing a peremptory command from her father "to come down immediately to her supper."

Each had the marks as of a battle about him bandaged heads, tied-up arms, a strip of dirty rag round a knee and each man had a bottle between his legs and a chunk of cheese in his hand. Mahon got up.

Lindau could probably find as cheap a lodging in some decenter part of the town; and, in fact, there was some amelioration of the prevailing squalor in the quieter street which he turned into from Mott. A woman with a tied-up face of toothache opened the door for him when he pulled, with a shiver of foreboding, the bell-knob, from which a yard of rusty crape dangled.

He found himself shaking his head under the Jesuit's remonstrant eyes. "We've lost so much time already. We couldn't possibly turn back now." "Then here's my Grammar." With an almost comic change of tone and manner the priest turned to the table where the lamp stood, among piles of neatly tied-up and docketed papers.

I drift in occasionally to drop a few hundred thousand for safe keeping," he replied, in a spirit of irony. "What are you here for anyway?" demanded Ferd, eyeing the other with a sneer. "Just waiting for something at present." "Oh! I see, your mother has probably been making arrangements to borrow on her tied-up investments. It's hard lines, old fellow.

And now, too, we see him descending from this venerable conveyance. He forbears to drive right in, lest the cranky wheels of his carriage should cut up the beautiful round pebbles with which the courtyard is covered. The inside of the carriage was chock-full of longish tied-up bundles of documents, which Mr.

So off Mr Jones trotted to his lawyer; that is to say, his pony trotted, carrying Mr Jones in the little chaise, in which was a carefully tied-up bundle containing the blackened and damaged suit of clothes, which looked worse than ever by the time he reached the town, for the trousers had communicated a vast amount of their filth to the waistcoat and shirt-front, not forgetting to administer their odour at the same time.

But burning curiosity as to what it could all mean, and an intense desire to see the play out, restrained them. Soon Rushing River came upon the tied-up horse, and of course astonishment became intensified, for in all his varied experience of savage warfare he had never seen the evidence of a deadly skirmish terminate in a peacefully tied-up horse.

It was while Miss Emily was winding the toy that Dr. McKenzie noticed her bands. They were young hands, quick and delightful hands. They hovered over the toy, caressingly, beat time to the music, rested for a moment on the shoulders of the little boy as he stood finally with upturned face and tied-up parcel. "I'm coming adain," he told her. "Again ." "Ag-yain ," patiently. "I hope you will."

The white dimity curtains one pair of them were up at the wide west window; the other pair was cut up and made over into three or four things, drapery for a little old pine table that had come to light among attic lumber, upon which she had tacked it in neat plaitings around the sides, and overlapped it at the top with a plain hemmed cover of the same; a great discarded toilet-cushion freshly encased with more of it, and edged with magic ruffling; the stained top and tied-up leg of a little disabled teapoy, kindly disguised in uniform, varied only with a narrow stripe of chintz trimming in crimson arabesque, made pretty with piles of books, and the Scripture scroll hung above it with its crimson cord and tassels; and in the window what she called afterward her "considering-chair," and in which she sat this morning; another antique, clothed purely from head to foot and made comfortable beneath with stout bagging nailed across, over the deficient cane-work.