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"Stay! you must come you must!" he said, threateningly; and, loosening his grasp on her shawl, he threw his arm round her waist. "Don't!" cried the girl, pleadingly, and apparently subdued, turning her fair, soft face upon her pursuer, and clasping her hands. "Be quiet! Fanny is silly! No one is ever rude to poor Fanny!"

Yes, Bennet's his name. "And mighty lucky thing I have you back here," he added over his shoulder. "Good morning, Mr. Bennet," he said. "Caught us at breakfast again." "Breakfast! What are you doing at breakfast this time of day?" inquired the K. & Z. man, entering. When the cowman explained, the newcomer glowered at Alex threateningly. "Why didn't you shoot?" he demanded. "Too near the train.

The boys called her Indian, and a name that had been flung at her more than once tiger cat. "You will see that I can scratch," she rejoined, threateningly. "I will learn English, Pani, and no one shall interfere. M. Loisel said if I went to the sisters on Wednesday and Friday afternoons that Father Rameau would be satisfied. He is nice and kindly, but I hate Father Gilbert.

At this broad insinuation, Louis turned pale, and threateningly cried out: "You insolent dog, what do you mean?" "You know well enough what I mean, monsieur," the old man said, significantly. "I do not know! Explain your impertinence: speak, I tell you!"

The troops in Chattanooga Valley should be well concentrated on your left flank, leaving only the necessary force to defend fortifications on the right and centre, and a movable column of one division in readiness to move wherever ordered. This division should show itself as threateningly as possible on the most practicable line for making an attack up the valley.

The mob moved again towards the bar. The big river-driver turned on the grizzled old man beside the bar- counter with bent shoulders and lazy, drawling speech. "What've you got to say about it, son?" he asked threateningly. "Well, to ask a few questions first that's all," the old man replied. "You don't belong here, old cock," the other said roughly.

"Hold your row!" cried the journeyman threateningly. Pelle was greatly concerned; he had not once made the attempt to go over and see Lasse. The young master came to get something off the shelf above his head, and leaned confidentially on Pelle's shoulder, his weak leg hanging free and dangling.

"Shut up!" piped Jenks, coming close to Scotch, at whom he shook his fist threateningly. "Shut up, or I will thump you!" "Don't you dare do it here. If you do, I'll " "What?" "I'll see you later." "Landy massy!" spluttered Nancy. "I do believe you've both been tooken crazy!"

If you don't play squar', I knows how t' make ye." "Spin your yarn," repeated the stranger quietly. "I'll agree to give you and Davidson a third interest, provided I take hold of the thing at all." "An' Jack Slayton," put in Mizzou threateningly, "if you don't play us squar', I swar I'll shoot ye like a dog!"

M. de Coralth, who was a man of wide experience, would certainly have felt alarmed if he had seen his unknown enemy at the present moment, for Victor's eyes, usually a pale and undecided blue, were glittering like steel, and his hands were clinched most threateningly. "For he was the cause of all my trouble," he continued, gloomily.