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"And if there were, do you think we would have you boys fussing around?" "Well, I was just in search of information," Allen answered defensively. "And all I get is scorn and ridicule." "Hard luck, old man," said Will, feelingly. "I am in the same boat. But you girls had better look out," he added threateningly.

First came on Aineias threateningly, tossing his strong helm; his rapid shield he held before his breast, and brandished his bronze spear.

At last I succeeded in arresting their progress, when the man who had attempted to wrench from her ankle the diamond ornament shook his long, keen knife threateningly at me, while the others yelled all kinds of imprecations.

"It's easy and safe for you to taunt a man who is just recovering from a weakening sickness," he said. "If it were n't for my father, I 'd shoot you like the cur that you are, if I hanged for it." Checkers jumped to the ground. "Now, look here, Arthur Kendall," he said threateningly. "I won't stand any such talk from any one.

Besides," he added, with a cunning leer, "nobody would believe you if you should tell them the truth. You're nothing but a crazy old basket maker and I am Adam Ward, don't forget that for a minute." He glared threateningly at the man in the wheel chair, and the Interpreter, fearing another outburst, said, soothingly, "Certainly, Adam, I understand. I will not forget."

The table was between them, but Mazaro's hand went upward toward the back of his coat-collar. "Ah, ah!" cried the Irishman, shaking his head with a broader smile and thrusting his hand threateningly into his breast; "don't ye do that! just finish yer speech." "Was-a notthin'," said the Cuban, trying to smile back. "Yer a liur," said Galahad.

"She'll git one the fust day of every month. Give her the larnin' she's so hell-bent on, stuff her plumb full on it. An' ef you let ennything happen to her" his brows lowered threateningly "I'll come back an' blow yer whole blame' horspittle into eternity!" "Pop!" Sally pleaded, "Pop!" But his emotions were at high tide and he did not heed her.

West, beside himself with rage, swung on the little man and straddled forward a step or two threateningly. "You done said it," answered the old-timer, falling back. "An' don't you come closter. I'm liable to get scared, an' you'd ought not to forget I'm as big as you behind a six-shooter." "Here they come like a swarm o' bees!" yelled Barney.

In spite of himself, Serge remembered the night of his union to Micheline, when he had said to Madame Desvarennes: "Take my life; it is yours!" She had replied seriously, and almost threateningly: "Very well; I accept it!" These words now resounded in his ears like a verdict. He promised himself to play a sure game with Madame Desvarennes.

"He has confessed it to you yourself?" inquired the king, with gasping breath. "Ah, he dares love his king's wife? Woe to him, woe!" He raised his clenched fist threateningly to heaven, and his eyes darted lightning.