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"And I've been an honest man all my life," whined the poacher, and then continued, threateningly: "If you harm a hair on Ulrich's head. . . ." "Fool that you are! I'll willingly leave the big feeder to you. Go in now, then I'll come and fetch the boy. There's money at stake fifteen florins!" Fifteen minutes after, Jorg entered the but.

Esmond Clarenden demanded, first making sure of his bargain, like the merchant he was. Ferdinand Ramero stiffened insolently at these words, and looked threateningly at Father Josef. "You do," the holy man replied, something of the flashing light in his eyes alone revealing what sort of a soldier the State had lost when this man took on churchly orders.

"Now, you young rascal, be off at once, or I'll give you in charge!" said the man threateningly. "Coming here with such cock-and-bull tales." "What's it all about?" said a tall policeman, stepping forward. "Why, this young varmint has lost his dog and comes here after it, as cheeky as can be.

Instead of the comfortably tepid, genial ghost I have been in my past, sir, I shall be iced-water," cried the lady, threateningly. "No, you won't, either," returned Oglethorpe; "for when you are frozen quite stiff, I shall send you to a cold-storage warehouse, and there shall you remain an icy work of art forever more." "But warehouses burn." "So they do, but this warehouse cannot burn.

"I don't want anything," said Amelia firmly. Her eyes were suffused, and yet lambent. The light in them seemed to be drinking up their tears. Her steps, she knew, were set within a shining way. At the door only she paused and fixed him with a glance. "Enoch," said she threateningly, "whose cows were them you sold to-day?" He opened his lips, but she looked him down.

Tom Ross, who was behind him, angrily threw back the crowd and would have fought, but Henry said: "Give up, Tom, it's best for the present." Henry's eyes were upon his comrade who had been subjected to such treatment. Paul stood erect, but there were stains on his shoulder, and he was pale and weak. "Look to him," said Henry threateningly to Francisco Alvarez who was approaching.

Ainsworth or his guide, and during the meal the forest woman glared threateningly at the pair through her big spectacles. Near its close, the visitors got a shock that nearly frightened Chet Ainsworth out of his skin, and at the same time sent the Overland Riders into unrestrained peals of laughter.

Peacock, in virtuous indignation " gamble! what do you mean, sir? You insult me!" and he rose threateningly, and slapped his white hat on his wig. "Pshaw! let him alone, Hal," said the boy, contemptuously. "Sir, if he is impertinent, thrash him." Peacock, waxing very red; but catching the sneer on his companion's lip, he sat down, and subsided into sullen silence. Meanwhile I paid my bill.

A big, bearded man, who was standing on the threshold of a small shop, heard this, and, coming forward, accosted him threateningly. "What's that you say?" The other stopped and stared at him, answering mockingly: "Get out! Just what I please!" The big man struck him a blow, and then the other workmen fell upon the big man in defence of their comrade.

But Jessie. She was disquieted. She was wondering, too. And, wondering, the memory of her promise to Murray rose up threateningly before her. She turned slowly back to the stove for no definite purpose, and, so turning, she shook her head. Later, Jessie returned, the last sign of her ill-humor completely gone. Behind her came the two men of her mother's household.