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Then they'll rush a big shipment over." "Then's the time we must catch them," declared the young inventor. "We may as well go back now." "And not a picture!" exclaimed Mr. Period tragically. "Well, be sure to get good ones when you do make a capture, Tom." "I will," promised the young inventor. Then, with a last sweep along the border he turned the nose of his craft toward Logansville.

"Uncle Sam's as well as King George's. But, for all that, a submarine may slip in between them and send a torpedo to welcome us." "Then's when I'm going to get busy with the small camera," declared Joe. "A heap of good it'll do you to get some pictures of it, if the ship is blown up," remarked his chum. "Oh, well, I'm going to take a chance.

He whispers something in your ear You know you shouldn't stop to hear, And then's the time for you to say, "Oh, Mischief Man, please go away!" This is what dear good Uncle Lucky wrote in Billy Bunny's album, for it was the little rabbit's birthday, you know, and Uncle Lucky thought he ought to warn him against the Mischief Man.

Why, Mex, just two weeks ago I dreamed me and Rosita was married instead of her and him; and we was living in a house, and I could see her smiling at me, and oh! h l, Mex, he got her; and I'll get him yes, sir, on Christmas Eve he got her, and then's when I'll get him." "There's other ways of committing suicide," advised Mexican. "Why don't you go and surrender to the sheriff?"

Of course, it's a pleasure, knowing you've got more influence than some, but I believe the most you ever get out of it is in being able to help your friends, to get a man you like a job, or a good contract, something he wants, when he needs it. I tell you then's when you feel satisfied, and your time don't seem to have been so much thrown away.

Not long afterward she was followed by her sister, who took a similar roundabout path, for Phoebe was quite as much in horror of drink and drinkers as Rebecca. She glanced at the date indicator as she passed it. "My sakes!" she said, as she entered the kitchen, "it's March 25, 1887. Why, then's the time that I had the measles so bad. Don't you remember when I was thirteen years old an' Dr.

I know some men ain't that way, but then's the time when I beautify my inheritance in Zion the purtiest. And I'm mighty glad Brother Joel can turn out to-morrow. Of course you heard the news?" "What news, Brother Seth?" "Brother Brigham gets here at eleven o'clock from New Harmony." "Brother Brigham coming?"

That ain't respectable. When you cut up cows and hogs into sides, hams and sausage, then's when you get respectable. Ain't you got plenty proof of that? Look at them Wisners, for instance." He snorts at that and ain't happy. "Well, it's the truth," says I. "Look at us! We ain't nobody here. Old Man Wisner's the king bee of this here row of houses. We ain't one-two-ten in this race." "Huh!

And after they've buried him they'll auction off his things for to pay the expenses, and then's OUR chance." "How, Tom?" "Buy the boots for two dollars!" Well, it 'most took my breath. "My land! Why, Tom, WE'LL get the di'monds!" "You bet. Some day there'll be a big reward offered for them a thousand dollars, sure. That's our money! Now we'll trot in and see the folks.

And in the next story, if Billy Bunny does eat any more carrot candy and get so dizzy he can't hop in a circle, I'll tell you some more about the little rabbit. It very often happens You don't know what to do, And then's the time the Mischief Man Comes smiling round to you.