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And the cracks they're further evidence. We heard the explosion about eleven o'clock; saw the light of the flash, too." "Shucks! You reckon that's so? Got any notion who it was that done it?" "Yes, sir; got a big notion who it was; but we won't say till we get it on him for sure. And then's it's going to be a sorry day for him."

What's the reason your man hasn't fired? the man behind the rock that I told you to kill?" "Because I'm certain that I hit him," said Jim, "and I reckon by this time he isn't doing any more shooting." "Watch carefully, anyhow," was the reply. "They'll soon try, when they find there are very few of us, to crawl up the hill upon us. Then's the time you've got to note every movement!

Oh, Tave, Tave if I could only know something where he is if living; I can't sleep thinking " She wrung her clasped hands and began to walk nervously back and forth in the room. "Aurora, I feel sure he's living, but when he's found then's the time to help." "How?" She turned upon him almost savagely; it looked as if her primitive mother-passion were at bay for her young.

But gosh, ef we'd a known haow much wuss all them things wuz a going tew git, we sh'd a said we wuz well orf. But ye see we warn't so uster bein starved an cheated an jailed an knocked roun' then's we be sence, an so we wuz kinder desprit, an a slew on us come daown from Hatfield tew Northampton an stopped the court, wen t'wuz gonter set in the spring o' '82.

There was another " "Never mind," says Mrs. Bluebeard, all her old curiosity aroused, "see him and hear him I will. Haven't I seen him and heard him, too, already? When he's audible and visible, then's the time."

When a horse with blood in him gets a-goin', why, he's got to go till his wind gives out, unless you throw him right down, and that's resky. You've got to wait his time. Then's your chance. And that reminds me," said Ike, rising and knocking the lashes out of his pipe, "that I've got a job on hand. There'll be doin's to-night there after the happy time is over." Shock looked mystified.

"We're going to quit when we get even with you for pulling twenty-five lone Freshmen out of the Hall at night and making them rush against the whole Sophomore class; then's when we're going to quit. Observe?" Halleck's shamefully fresh manner revived the drooping spirits of his men. "See here, we'll call it off if you will," put in the Sophomore president.

"Then where in the world am I?" "Oh you're an extra. There are always extras." "A complete set and one over?" Vanderbank laughed. "Where then's Tishy?" Charming and grave, the girl thought a moment. "She's in Paris with her mother on their way to Aix-les-Bains." Then with impatience she continued: "Do you know that's a great deal to say what you said just now?

"There was eggs in the nest was the cause," said the man; "them birds are always as tame as kittens then. You can go right up to 'em and they won't leave the nest. Them birds has two broods in a season, and then's the chance to get a good whack at 'em." Joe rubbed his hands together in delight as he turned to his sister, "You'd ought to have seen 'em, Betty.

By next day I kin sit up and take solid food again. An' then's when I takes special notice o' the everlastin' foolishness o' Strokner and Hardenberg. "You'd a thought each one o' them two mush-heads was tryin' to act the part of a ole cow which has had her calf took. They goes a-moonin' about the boat that mournful it 'ud make you yell jus' out o' sheer nervousness.