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Updated: August 23, 2024

I pressed his manly hand again, and told him I would charge myself to do this as well as I could. 'I thankee, sir, he answered. ''Twas kind of you to meet me. 'Twas kind of you to bear him company down. Mas'r Davy, I unnerstan' very well, though my aunt will come to Lon'on afore they sail, and they'll unite once more, that I am not like to see him agen. I fare to feel sure on't.

Cutts for coming to do away with it all. "Any help I can give you shall be given cheerful," he ses to the keeper. "When I want your help I'll ask you for it," ses Mr. Cutts. "Thankee," ses Bob Pretty. "I on'y 'ope I sha'n't get my face knocked about like yours 'as been, that's all; 'cos my wife's so partikler." "Wot d'ye mean?" ses Mr. Cutts, turning on him. "My face ain't been knocked about."

December was gliding by in warmth and sunshine. January came, with no more than a hatful of snow, and once more Martin found himself facing the president. "We'll win that contract, Martin!" It almost brought a smile to the superintendent's face. "I've just been over the road on the quiet. We made eighty miles an hour with hardly a jolt!" "Thankee, sir."

What to do now troubled me materially; but one of the soldiers brought a piece of rail, and I "squatted" lugubriously on the turf. "If you ever get to Richmond," said I, "you shall be considerately treated." "Thankee!" replied the man, touching his cap; "but I'm werry well pleased out o' Richmond, Captain." Here the Major was seen approaching, a humorous smile playing about his eyes.

Bryan became a special favourite with the natives when it was discovered that he was a worker in iron, and the presents with which he was overwhelmed were of a most extraordinary, and, in some cases, perplexing nature. One man, who seemed determined to get into his good graces, offered him a choice morsel of broiled seal. "No, thankee, lad," said Bryan; "I've had my brickfust."

"If things 'ad been different," said the gratified owner, rolling his whisky round his mouth and swallowing it gently, "I'd have liked you to have 'ad her." "Thankee," said Nibletts, quietly. There was a pause, during which both men eyed the noble specimens of fish which are preserved for tavern parlours. Captain Barber took another sip of whisky.

'Yes, my Lady, yes, chattered the old woman, holding out her avaricious hand. 'Thankee, my Lady. Lord bless you, my Lady. Sixpence more, my pretty Lady, as a good mother yourself. 'And treated undutifully enough, too, my good old creature, sometimes, I assure you, said Mrs Skewton, whimpering. 'There! Shake hands with me. You're a very good old creature full of what's-his-name and all that.

I tumbled up with the rest; an' there I was on board of a whaler outward bound for a three years' cruise, an' my dear little lass ashore awaitin' for me." "Miserable wretch!" said Miss Abigail, in a voice that vibrated among the tin platters on the dresser. This was Miss Abigail's way of testifying her sympathy. "Thankee, marm," returned Sailor Ben, doubtfully.

"Oh, he's round at the back. He'll be round directly; but he ain't drinking this morning." Stiffner laughed that nasty empty laugh of his. He thought Bill was whipping the cat. "What's yours, boss?" I said. "Thankee!... Here's luck!" "Here's luck!"

I hardly thought there were two towns of the same name in one State, and I'd inquire if Col. Crompton lived there. His face brightened at once, and when I left him, he grasped my hand and said, 'Bress de Lawd for de grain of comfort you done give me. If she is thar I'd walk all de road from Floridy to see her, if I couldn't git thar no other way. Thankee, Mas'r Mason, for comin' to see me.

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