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I am resolv'd to marry to morrow either to the Apothecary or the Farmer, Men I never saw, to be reveng'd on thee, thou termagant Infidel. Enter the Doctor. Doct. What Noise, what Out-cry, what Tumult's this? Har. Ha, the Doctor! Doct. A Woman! some Baud I am sure; Woman, what's your Business here? ha. Har.

Having filled his mouth to its utmost possible extent, the astonished seaman proceeded, at one and the same time, to masticate and to relate all that he knew in regard to the Termagant.

Behind the gate, stood a log shack; on the windows, cheap lace curtains; behind the lace curtains, a vague movement of peeping faces and a querulous termagant voice: "I ain't a goin' to have you mixed up in no scrap; so there, Dan Flood!" Wayland dismounted and knocked on the door with his riding stock.

We feel constrained here to turn aside for one moment to advise the general adoption of that course of conduct in all the serious affairs of life. The evidence of Tim Rokens was clear and to the point. The whale had been first struck by Glynn with a harpoon, to which a drogue was attached; it had been followed up by the crew of the Red Eric and also by the crew of the Termagant.

"And the Austrian Hapsburgs being out, do not the Spanish Hapsburgs come in? Is not, this a curious case of testamentary right; human greed obliterating personal identity itself? Belleisle had a great deal of difficulty, keeping the Termagant back till things were ripe.

If I break the hearts of five hundred old fathers, by buying with gold or flattery the embraces of five hundred young daughters, that's vice, your servant, Mr. World! If one termagant wench scratches my face, makes a noise, and goes brazen-faced to the Old Bailey to swear to her shame, why that's crime, and my friend, Mr. World, pulls a hemp-rope out of his pocket. Now, do you understand?

"I told you I wouldn't try to run away," she said, "and neither I didn't. But I had a right to yell, and if anybody heard me, I hope he'll come right straight here! You are bad, wicked women!" The child's righteous indignation had its effect on the women, and they hesitated, not knowing exactly what to do with this little termagant. And strange to say, Marjorie's ruse had succeeded.

And you're a termagant, Jenny. That's what you are. You want it all your own way! Anything that goes wrong is my fault not yours! You don't think there's anything that's your fault. It's all mine. But, my good girl, that's ridiculous. What d'you think I know about you? Eh? Nothing whatever! Absolutely nothing! You think you're as clear as day! You're not. You're a dark horse.

You must bear with her, for her heart is breaking now, and if she has become a termagant it is because her shamed pride has driven her mad. Bear with her, then, a little longer. Billy tried to bear with her, for in part he understood. "Peggy," said he, very gently, "you're wrong." "Yes, I dare say!" she snapped at him. "We won't discuss Kathleen, if you please. But you're wrong about the will.

Even when the Queen sent for the golden keys, which were the badge of her office, she refused to surrender them. No one could do anything with the infuriated termagant, and all were afraid of her. She threatened to print the private correspondence of the Queen as Mrs. Morley. The ministers dared not go into her presence, so fierce was her character when offended.