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Updated: August 7, 2024

We climbed up into the cupola and took seats, swingin' seats they was and we could see all over the country clean down to the woods where the river was, and over the fields far away. And pretty soon we was off, goin' like mad. "What do you think of this?" says I. "Why, Skeet," says Mitch, "did Tom Sawyer ever have anything like this? He never did.

"Look here, Johnny," said he, "wouldn't you like a big chaw o' navy terbacker bright plug. Genuine Yankee plug? Swingin' that ere gun that way is awful tiresome." "Eh What's that?" said the rebel, startled by the new proposition and its coolness. "I say, don't you want a big chaw o' terbacker? You must need it. I always do after I've bin workin' hard. Drop your gun, and have one with me.

But anon, as my senses came back from the realm of pure beauty they had been a traversin', I recollected that I wuz a wife, that Providence and Elder Minkley had placed a man in my hands to take care on; and I see he wuz gone from me, and I must look him up. And I found that man in one of the high tallish lookin' swing chairs that wuz a swingin' from high poles all along the brow of the hill.

Daniels, seeing the two men of her family glaring at each other with something like hate in their eyes. "Sam, have you forgot that this lad has eat your food in your house?" Sam turned as crimson as he had been pale before. "I forgot," he muttered. "I was scared an' forgot!" "An' maybe you've forgot that I'd be swingin' on the end of a rope in Elkhead if it wasn't for Dan Barry?" suggested Buck.

I should say so though I can't say I'm stuck on the brand, myself. But, as for this money business, do you know? I'm as bad as Flo. I can't sense it yet that it's true. Gosh! Look at Hattie, now. Ain't she swingin' the style to-night?" She certainly is looking handsome and very happy." "Well, she ought to. I believe in lookin' happy.

"I thought he was swingin' an ax, but Greaves swore it was his fists," bawled Bruce, in misery and fury. "Where was your gun?" queried Jorth, sharply. "Gun? Hell!" exclaimed Bruce, flinging wide his arms. "Ask Lorenzo. He had a gun. An' he got a biff in the jaw before my turn come. Ask him?"

The old woman hesitated to tell, but after a little pressing she said, in half apologetic tone, "Weel, mem, it was na Ivor's fau't, but the day before yesterday he cam in fou ye ken he's fond o' his glass, mem, an' he was swingin' aboot his airms, poor falla, an' withoot the least intention, his haund cam doon wi' sik a ding on my heed that knockit me doon.

He poked about f'r a bit, put his fingers into a stream of suthin' that was fallin' from th' bunk to th' floor, an' then by th' light o' th' swingin' oil lamp, I see his face turn a blazin' crimson. I see him take suthin' outer th' bed, an' then he swings round an' faces th' men.

I've seen ye in the wild typhoon beneath a Southern sky, I've seen ye when the Northern gales drove seas to mast-head high, But summer breeze or winter blow, from Hatt'ras to Cape Race, I've yet to see ye with the sign of fear upon your face. Oh, swingin' cross the Bay Go eighty sail of seiners, And every blessed one of them a-driving to her rail!

But that man smiled all the time, and took off his hat, and bowed to me: we went by when he wus a swingin' right up in the air. I never see the beat of his goodness. Why, we found out afterwards, that, besides filin' them saws, he had loaded seven barrells of salt that day, besides other heavy truck. That night he wus perfectly beat out but good.

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