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Eleanor had sprung forward with white lips. "It's Fordie! He's taking the sheep to the Rim Rocks with the Mexican herders. Don't frighten his mother! It may not be too late! He may not have reached the Rim " "Let's telephone that Ranger fellow?" Then, it all dawned on her, the deadly, suave, incredibly malicious pre-planned thing! "The wires had been cut since morning," she said.

He pulled a hard biscuit out of each pocket, looked at them fondly and pushed them back again. "I've got mine anyway," he said. "Bread is ten shillings a loaf if you can buy it." Annoyed by the colonel's manner Jo began to mount her high horse and became blunt. He was instantly suave.

Mustafa Ali made a movement of impatience and persisted doggedly. "Mademoiselle would do well to start." Diana looked up swiftly with angry eyes. Under the man's suave manner and simple words a peremptory tone had crept into his voice. She sat quite still, her fingers raking the warm sand, and under her haughty stare the guide's eyes wavered and turned away.

His voice was singularly smooth; it had all the qualities of culture; every syllable, every lapse of his rude dialect, was as distinct as if he had been taught to speak in this way; his tones were low and even, and modulated to suave cadences; the ear experienced a sense of relief after the loud, strident voice of the miller, poignantly penetrating and pitched high.

We see Hawk Carse, a man slender in build, but with gray eyes and lithe, strong-fingered hands and cold, intent face that give the clue to the steel of him; we see Dr. Ku Sui, tall, suave, unhurried, formed as though by a master sculptor, in whose rare green eyes slumbered the soul of a tiger, notwithstanding the courtesy and the grace that masked always his most infamous moves.

'You have not many qualifications, said Madame, shortly, angry with herself for so taking to this young man's suave manner. 'Probably not, retorted Vandeloup, with a cynical smile. 'I fancy it will be more a case of charity than anything else, as we are starving. Madame started, while Archie murmured 'Puir deils. 'Surely not as bad as that? observed Mrs Villiers, in a softer tone.

If the public had not been burned so many times by "industrials," if it had not learned by bitter experience that practically none of the leaders of finance and industry were above lying to make or save a few dollars, if Textiles had not been manipulated so often, first by Dumont and since his death by his brother-in-law and successor, this suave and cynical Langdon, my desperate attack would have been without effect.

"Brad Charlton said you were talking of buying one, so here is your chance." "Yes, I been thinking of it." Tighe's voice was suave. "What is your proposition, Mr. Street?" Roy talked the Dynamo Aermotor for fifteen minutes. There was something about the still look of this man that put him into a cold sweat.

On a certain Saturday, for instance, the eminent ex-financier, having lost his head after the manner of some born gamblers, had, at the Casino, played the wrong number a series of wrong numbers, in fact an error which resulted in his pushing a crisp bundle of Bank of England notes almost all he had with him toward the spidery hands of a suave gentleman with rat eyes and bloodless face, who gathered them up with a furtive, deadly smile.

Jack," Matilda put in. "Jack De Peyster." "Ah, young Mr. De Peyster!" Mr. Pyecroft's eyebrows went up slightly and a shrewd light flashed into his rounded eyes and was at once gone, and again his face was blandly clerical. "It is, indeed, a pleasure to meet you, Mr. De Peyster. And, pray, who is this?" with a suave gesture toward Mary. "That, sir, is my wife!" Jack announced, stiff with anger.