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When I watch you sleep, I tink once I shoot you; but I not know who ees in zee leetle tent, an' I tink maybe dey catch me, but I know now eet vas not so." "You know who was in the tent?" asked Stane sharply. "I fin' dat out zee ver' next morning, when I meet a man who ask for zee white girl. Ah I haf seen dat man b'fore. I see heem shoot zee paddle from zee girl's hand ."

Den zee dogs, dey give tongue when oder dogs appear, an' where are we? Anoder ting, s'pose Chigmok not come zee regular trail; s'pose he knew anoder way through zee woods, an' come out further up zee lak'. Eef we on zee island we not see heem, but up here " he swept a hand in front of him "we behold zee whole lak' and we not miss him." "Yes," agreed Stane. "You are right, Jean. Now go and rest.

The man may have been a native, but in the fleeting glimpse I had of him he did not give me that impression. Of course I may be utterly mistaken." "But what white man would run away from us?" asked Stane, thoughtfully. "What could possibly be his reason for avoiding us?" "I don't know," answered Helen, with a quick laugh.

She remembered what Ainley had hinted at about Stane and Miskodeed, and what others had plainly thought; and as she stood there it seemed almost an offence to her that the name should be mentioned to her even in the unconsciousness of delirium.

As he did so a little burst of mellow laughter sounded, and turning swiftly he saw the man whom he was looking for round the corner of the warehouse accompanied by a girl, who laughed heartily at some remark of her companion. Stane halted in his tracks and looked at the pair who were perhaps a dozen yards or so away.

And an hour later, in the bustle of the departure, the whole matter was brushed aside by Helen Yardely, though now and again through the day, it recurred to her mind as a rather unpleasant episode; and she found herself wondering how so fine a man as Stane could stoop to the folly of which many men in the North were guilty.

From that she came to a wrong conclusion: "Sin' he cam' o' his ain accord he's like to bide." Her eyes were blue stars. "I wadna be coontin' on that, lassie. An' I wadna speck a door on 'im anither time. Grin he wanted to get oot he'd dig aneath a floor o' stane. Leuk at that, noo! The bonny wee is greetin' for Auld Jock."

Stane nodded and turned away, and after a little more walking to and fro, Helen sought the tent, whilst Stane, after a word or two with Anderton and Jean Bènard, rolled himself in his sleeping furs, though with little hope of sleep. He lay awake some time and frequently opened his eyes to see Ainley still bent over his pocket-book, but presently drowsiness came over him.

At the church gates, is the historical JOUG; a place of penance for the neck of detected sinners, and the historical LOUPING-ON STANE, from which Dutch-built lairds and farmers climbed into the saddle. Here Prince Charlie slept before the battle of Prestonpans; and here Deacon Brodie, or one of his gang, stole a plough coulter before the burglary in Chessel's Court.

Now we will build a fort yonder on Stane hill that will make them wonder, and so the plan will begin to work. For I have only told you the main lines thereof; the rest must go as can be planned from day to day." Then he looked steadfastly at the Selwood heights, and added: "And if the plan fails, and the battle I look for goes against us, there remain Heregar's places yet.