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Updated: August 3, 2024

She swore she had never cared for Tom, he being not her style, as she had never loved any one who had not black eyes. "Nothing else matters, Bab," she said, holding out the Sandwitch in a dramatic way. "I see but his eyes. If they are black, they go through me like a knife." "Blue eyes are true eyes," I observed. "There is somthing feirce about black eyes," she said, finishing the cream.

But let's be serious, and pass by all these kind of waggeries; if we consider the husband as Captain, and the Wife as Lieutenant, is it not in the highest degree necessary, that she should have also a part of the masculine knowledge and authority? Besides, women must be silent in Politick and Church-government, why should not they have somthing to say in those places where they are houswives?

I will not send him his copy for a week. Perhaps, after all, I will give him somthing to worry about eventually. For I have recieved a box of roses, with no card, but a pen and ink drawing of a Gentleman in evening clothes crawling onto a fire-escape through an open window. He has dropped his Heart, and it is two floors below.

She gazed at me strangely when she saw my face, and then cluched me by the arm. "Bab!" she cried. "What on the earth is the matter with your complexion?" But I was desparate. "Let me go!" I said. "Only lend me two dollars for a taxi and let me go. Somthing horible has happened." She gave me ninety cents, which was all she had, and I rushed down the street, followed by her peircing gaze.

"That Reg has run away with her, of course," said Mrs. Beecher, in a resined tone. "I wish he would grow up and learn somthing. He's becoming a nusance. And when there are so many Interesting People to run away with, to choose that chit!" Yes, she said that, And in my retreat I could but sit and listen, and of course perspire, which I did freely. Mrs.

"Thomas Halliberch ye jayle keeper aged 41 testifieth and saith yt this morning ye date aboue Samull Smith junr. came to his house and sad somthing to his wife somthing concerning Mercy and his wifes answer was Oh poor creature upon yt Mercy mad answer & sd poor creature indeed & sd shee had been tormented all night.

The Captain was somthing startled at first to see us, but I bid him not feare; I was not there with any dessigne to harme him; on the contrary, was ready to assist & help him wherin hee should comand me, advising him to use more Diligence than hee did to preserve himselfe & shipps from the Danger I see hee was in of being lost, which afterwards happned.

Feeling somewhat emty at bed time and never sleeping well when hollow inside, I went down to the pantrey at eleven P. M. to see if any of the dinner puding had been left, although not hopeful, owing to the servants mostly finishing the desert. He was writing somthing, and he tried to hide it when I entered. Being in my ROBE DE NUIT I closed the door and said through it: "Please go away, William.

And that I was an incorrigable, and carried on somthing gastly, and was going to be put in a convent. I became justly furious and was about to step out and tell them a few plain Facts, when sombody hammered at the door and then came in. It was Mr. Patten. "He's gone!" he said. "Well, he won't go far, in bathing trunks," said Mrs. Beecher. "That's just it. His bathing trunks are there."

Let her alone a while, for women must have their wills; say but little to her, for her brains are too much busied already; and it may be that in three hours time, you would hardly get three words of answer from her; and suppose you should relate somthing or other to her, this shall be your answer from her at last, that she did not well understand you, because all her thoughts, nay her very sences do as it were glide to & again, one among another continually, to order the dressing up of her child.

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