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Bela neither smiled nor frowned. "I think about it," she said. "No you don't!" he cried. "You've got to promise now or I'll withdraw it!" "I tell you somesing," said Bela, concealing the wicked sparkle in her eye. "I not want the big man. Not want the black man either. I tell you, if I marry any of the three, I tak' you." Conceited Joe swallowed it whole. "I'm satisfied," he cried.

"But sink how lonely he may be, ze cross old uncle you talk about! Doesn't it make you sorry?" came another snatch of conversation. "Perhaps he loves you more zan you sink. Oh, yes, I should get him somesing a calendar or a card or maybe write a letter; but don't do it because you sink you ought. If he feels zat you really want to cheer him, it will make him happy even if he is cross."

"Bam-by she hear a fonny little noise way off. Twigs crackling, and somesing bumping and tromping in the snow. Colina think it is big game and go quick. Some tam she stop and listen. Bam-by she hear fonny snarling and grunting. She know there is a fight and she is a little scare. But she go more fas'. "Wa! Wa! What a sight she sec there! Poor Michel he pretty near done.

"Bishop Lajeunesse coming up the river soon," suggested Bela. "Will you get me 'osban' for him marry? I lak marry by Bishop Lajeunesse." "Foolish woman!" repeated Musq'oosis. "How do I know? A great work takes time!" Bela pouted. Musq'oosis rose stiffly to his feet. "I give you somesing," he said.

"My sought, when our Mertyr brought her, was, it is Italy he sees in her face her voice name anysing! And a day passed, and I could not lose her for my own sake, and felt a somesing, too! She is half man." "A singular reason for an attraction." Georgiana smiled.

"Michel not ver' good lok that day. In his first trap find fool-hen catch herself. He is mad. Second trap is little cross-fox; third trap nothin' 'tall! "Come to fourth trap, wa! see somesing black on the snow! Wa! Wa! Him heart jomp up! Think him got black fox sure! But no! It is too big. Come close and look. What is he catch you think? It is a black bear!

"My sought, when our Mertyr brought her, was, it is Italy he sees in her face her voice name anysing! And a day passed, and I could not lose her for my own sake, and felt a somesing, too! She is half man." "A singular reason for an attraction." Georgiana smiled.

During one day of his stay in town he had seen Teresita, who had at first stared half frightened by the change she saw in him, and then had told him truths he could have wrung her neck for putting into words. "You look an old man," she said, with the foreign accent he had once found deliciously amusing, but which now seemed to add a sting. "And somesing is eating you op.

I mus' do somesing to hold my frien's about me. Even the ladies like to play now that breedge w'ich is so tiresome they play, play, play! And you you Americans, you refuse to endure us if we do not let you play. So for my frien's when they come to my house if they wish it, there is that foolish little table.

"Everybody know some tam a bear wake up too soon in winter and come out of his hole and roll aroun' lak he was drunk. He can't find somesing to eat nowhere, and don' know what to do! "This bear him catch his paw in Michel's little fox trap. It was chain to a little tree. Bear too weak to pull his paw out or break the chain. He lie down lak dead. "Michel him ver' mad.