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You know the way of this country. I tell you somesing else. You got some money here." "Money?" she echoed, opening her eyes wide. "When your fat'er die, he have credit wit' the company. Near six hundred dollars. Beaton, the old company trader, he talk wit' me for cause I your fat'er's friend. He say this money too little to go to law wit'. The law is too far from us.

As to how it got there, that was another matter; but it was undoubtedly the sound of the sea, for she had been at sea, and recognised it at once. "What does it say?" asked the child one day. "Of words," said Marie, "I hear not any, Petie. But it wants always somesing, do you hear? It is hongry always, and makes moans for the sorry thinks it has in its heart."

"I got think first what is best for you." "Maybe they got girls now," she suggested, frowning. "No girls around the lake lak you," he stated. She was mollified. "Do everything I tell you or you mak' a fool!" he remarked impressively. "Tell me," she asked amenably. "Listen. White men is fonny. Don't think moch of somesing come easy.

"One night Old Billy forgot to do, I know not what, but somesing. So when Le Boss found it out, he look at him, so," drawing her brows down and frowning horribly, with the effect of looking like an enraged kitten, "and say noasing at all. You see?" "Well," replied Abby. "I suppose mebbe he thought it was an accident, and might have happened to any one."

Mahooley was obliged to swallow his curiosity. "Well, who are you going to get to drive?" he asked. Musq'oosis's air for the first time became ingratiating. "I tell you," he returned. "Let you and I mak' a deal. You want me do somesing. I want you do somesing." "What is it?" demanded Mahooley suspiciously. "You do w'at I want, I promise I tell the Fish-Eaters come to your store."

"I!" the Boy broke in. "You are pretty wide of the mark this time." "Ah, perhaps! But zere are more trails zan ze Yukon for a fanatique. You have zere somesing to show me?" "I promised the girl that cried so I promised her to bring the Sister this." He had pulled out the picture. In spite of the careful wrapping, it had got rather crumpled.

If she were not vary intelligent I think she would have suffered for it. The public schools they did somesing, but so little to elevate to encourage." Thus in a breath were Beulah's efforts as an educator disposed of. "Would you like to undertake the teaching of that child for a year?" Mrs. Bolling asked thoughtfully. "Oh! but yes, madam." "I think I'll make the offer to David." Mrs.

"Den I take his hant, ant says, 'Why say you so, Papa? Come wis me, ant I will say you somesing. Ant Papa come, ant we seat togezer at ze publics-house, ant me sayt, 'Vaiter, give us one Bierkrug, ant he gives us one. We trink altogezer, and broser Johann also trink. 'Papa, sayt me, 'ton't say zat you have only one son, ant wis it you must separate, My heart was breaking ven you say sis.

She hear nozing when we speak she vould feel nozing, if you should pinch or shake her. Was I not right, Reverend Mozer, to say it is time zat somesing should be done?" The shrill whisper came from Sister Cleophée. The Mother-Superior made a sign in assent. Beyond words, her heart was crying Oh, misery and joy in one mingled draught to have won such love as this from Richard's child!