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'Tis that good-for-nought weasel of a slieveen Tishy's after conthrivin' it on me, I well know, and bad luck to her," quoth the old man, with a sudden spasm of resentment. "Tom 'ud never play such a thrick I mane it wasn't he invinted the joke; he doesn't throuble himself wid much jokin'; he's too sinsible, and steady, and perspicuous, and oncommon set on me and the child, all the while.

"And I doesn't like all of them as comes here!" answered the dame, "'specially for Paul's sake; but what can a lone 'oman do? Many's the gentleman highwayman wot comes here, whose money is as good as the clerk's of the parish. "That's what I call being sinsible and practical," said Dummie, approvingly.

Not that they're above cookin', but that they're lackin' in sinse. For a sinsible person always pays attintion to what they're at, but a silly is lookin' all ways but the right wan, and ten to wan but if you looked inside their skulls you'd foind 'em that empty it would astonish you. Not that I'm down on readin', but that readin' and cookin' hadn't ought to be mixed.

Why I hard you just now, when my back was turned, singing like turtle-doves didn't I, Florry? Miss G. Indeed, sir, as to turtle-doves, I'm not sinsible; but Mr. Gilbert requisted of me to be favouring him with a song, which I was complying with, though I'm not used to be singing without my piano. Christy. Miss G. I wonder the drum-major isn't come yet.

"'I mane, says I, 'what I towld you, that I'm as good a furriner myself as any o' thim. "'Make me sinsible, says he. "'By dad, maybe that's more nor me, or greater nor me, could do, says I, and we all began to laugh at him, for I thought I would pay him off for his bit o' consait about the Garmant Oceant.

The camp appeared fully a half-mile distant, and it took but a short time for the Indian to reach a point opposite, when he sprung lightly ashore and disappeared with his usual celerity. "He is cautious," remarked Elwood. "He doesn't wish us to undertake to pass it unless he is sure there will be no trouble." "A sinsible young man!" asserted Tim.

Faix, it wouldn't be unlike the same man, to go wherever he can make most money; and sure small blame to him for that; what's one place to him more than another?" "An' where's yourself slippin' out to?" rejoined his wife, with a wink of shrewd humor at the rest. "I say, Frank, are you goin' to look for him too? Mavrone, but that's sinsible!

We ought to be ready with these letters to show to the newspapers at once, in case this action is forced upon us." "I could have those letters prepared, if you gentlemen have no objection," put in Mollenhauer, quietly, but quickly. "Well, that strikes me as sinsible," said Butler, easily.

Oh, faix, the law is a dainty lady; she takes people by the hand who can afford to wear gloves, but people with brown fists must keep their distance." "I often remark," said his mother, "that fools spake mighty sinsible betimes; but their wisdom all goes with their gab. Why didn't you take a betther grip of your luck when you had it?

Dang me, but I'd like to have a bit o' fun with the gauger to see if my hand's still ready for practice." "Oh, thin, Pether, how can you talk that way, asthore? Now if what I'm sayin' was left to yourself wouldn't you be apt to plan it as I'm doin'? wouldn't you, acushla? Throth, I know you're to cute an' sinsible not to do it."