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Then he moved over to where Farnum and his submarine boys sat. "Farnum," breathed the old man, anxiously, "I've a favor to ask of you." "That's strange," replied the shipbuilder, coolly. "I won't term it a favor, then," went on the other, restlessly. "I will put it another way. As a simple act of justice will you meet two people whom I want you to hear?"

You don’t think I’m doing this just for fun, do you, sir?” asked Captain Jack, with a smile. “No; I know you generally have an object when you do anything unusual,” responded the shipbuilder, good-humoredly. “You know, of course, sir, that noises sound with a good deal of exaggeration when you hear them under water?” “Yes; of course.”

She sighed as she looked at the tall hulks, and watched for the man who, from her earliest girlhood, had owned her heart, whose image was inseparable from every thing of joy and beauty that she had ever known, and every grief her young soul had suffered under. Constantine, the younger son of Clemens the shipbuilder, had been her brothers' companion and closest friend.

"He brings us our instructions, whatever they are." In a few moments more Danvers was along side, making his way up to the platform deck. In his right hand Danvers carried an official looking sealed envelope. In his eager curiosity Jacob Farnum extended a hand to take the envelope, but Danvers drew it back. "Pardon me," murmured the shipbuilder, confusedly. "I should have known better.

It looks as though they feared to run away, and were waiting to see whether the lightning were going to strike them. Now, that I've told you so much, Mr. Farnum, can't you give me a little more of the inside of this whole strange business?" "If I did," smiled the shipbuilder, "you'd send it to your paper." "Of course," admitted the reporter, honestly. "I'll tell you the best I can do, Hennessy.

I'd have to sell the cannon to England, Germany or Japan or else starve while Congress was talking of doing something about it in the next session. Mr. Farnum, you have the finest, and the only real submarine torpedo boat. Yet, if you want to go on building and selling these craft, you'll have to dispose of most of them abroad." "I hope not," responded the shipbuilder, solemnly.

We're afraid, sir, that good Dunhaven men may be in great danger of going to the bottom, and leaving behind families that " The spokesman stopped, a little choke in his voice. As though in answer sobs came from some of the women. "Now, now, friends, if that's the trouble, we'll soon know about it," promised the shipbuilder, one of the biggest-hearted men living.

With the Pacific Mail exposure the word subsidy became unsavory to the public taste, and for some years after no subsidy measure, however carefully guarded or respectably backed, could find favor in Congress. A second project for subsidizing a new line to Brazil, proposed by John Roach, the noted American shipbuilder, in 1879, was among those ventured, only to fail.

"Aren't you at all uneasy?" asked Hennessy. "If I am," proposed the shipbuilder, "I'm going to cure my mental unrest with luncheon. Won't you join us, Mr. Hennessy?" If appetite were any guide, none of the submarine people felt the slightest uneasiness as to information that the sprightly Mlle. Nadiboff might be able to coax from Captain Jack while on that auto drive.

"We might possibly meet Rhinds in the lobby, or in the dining room," said the shipbuilder, "but I don't deem it likely. Rhinds is undoubtedly keeping hid within his own walls upstairs." This guess proved to be a good one. Farnum and his friends dined at the Somerset without being offended by a sight of the face of their rival in business.