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There was no fault to find; everything about Braithwaite bespoke confidence and refinement his neatly brushed chestnut hair, his well-cut gray tweeds, his black, woven tie with the horse-shoe scarf-pin of diamonds, his fine white teeth, his trim mustache. He looked a man of iron will and unswerving decision, destined from birth to take control of crises and to shoulder responsibilities.

The extra money had gone, I couldn't exactly say how, in sundry "trifling expenditures," such as pomatum, a scarf-pin, and a steel chain for my waistcoat, all of which it had seemed no harm to indulge in, especially as they were very cheap, under my altered circumstances.

Soon afterwards a little man, with a tear-stained face and enormous bull-dog scarf-pin, arrived at the castle, and asked in a breaking voice to see his lordship. "Did you know, my lord," he began, "that Lady Ella was breaking her heart because she was to marry me?" "Really " "You didn't know it? I should be glad to think you didn't.

"As far as the incident of the scarf-pin goes I am willing to admit that your explanation is just as likely to be good as is any other." "Prescott, what did you do with the other pin and the watch?" shot in Policeman Hemingway, suddenly and compellingly. It was well done. Had Dick been actually guilty, he might either have betrayed himself, or gone to stammering.

She was pleased with Italo in a new way, and said to herself that she must make him some rich little, but unobjectionable little, gift to remember this occasion by, a gold pencil, or a pearl scarf-pin, or a cigar case to be proud of. She went to bed with her head full of serenade and serenaders, her head all lighted up inside with the glory of having been the object of a tribute so flattering.

The diamond scarf-pin was his only ornament a fine one, which sparkled even in that dull London light. He was a square-shouldered man, with peculiarly shrewd, rather narrow eyes, and dark, bushy eyebrows. "Glad to meet you, Mr. Henfrey," he replied, with a gay, rather nonchalant air. "My friend Mr. Peters has been speaking about you. Had a rather anxious time, I hear."

"It is stealing something worth while, not like a loaf of bread nor a pin, nor anything of that kind. You know the copy-book says: 'It is a sin to steal a pin." "Is it a sin to lose a pin?" "Why, no, not unless it is a breastpin or a scarf-pin and you wilfully throw it to the fishes." Molly drew a sigh of relief. "Suppose you lose something that belongs to some one else; is that a sin?"

But my watch, ring and scarf-pin were in their places. If robbery had been their motive, as no doubt it had been, then they had profited nothing, and two of them had been winged into the bargain. The only mode by which their identity could by chance be discovered was in the event of those wounds being troublesome.

Though rugged, he was not uncouth, and there was nothing of the nouveau riche about him. He did not wear a ring or scarf-pin, his watch-chain was simple and inconspicuous enough for a school-boy and he was worth three million pounds, with a palace building in Park Lane and a feudal castle in Wales leased for a period of years.

When she was dressed a man's linen waistcoat with a black silk watch-fob hanging from the pocket added further to the unfeminine tout ensemble. She liked the effect, and, as she thrust a scarf-pin in the long black "four-in-hand" before her mirror, she viewed the result with satisfaction. Dr.