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Say, I heerd him tell the cook this mornin' he wasn't goin' to take no more sass off n him. I has hopes I certainly has hopes, that Andrew Jackson '11 kill a man some time yit; and like enough it'll be right soon." I gave my assent to this amiable hope, and presently Mandy went on. "But say, man, you and me has got to get that girl acrost somehow, between us.

"I lay dat's one er dese yer ole hoot owls," she muttered querulously, "en ef'n 'tis, he des es well be a-hootin' along home, caze I ain' gwine be pestered wid his pranks. Dar ain' but one kind er somebody es will sass you at yo' ve'y do, en dat's a hoot owl es is done loss count er de time er day " "I ain't an owl, Aunt Ailsey," meekly broke in Betty, "an' I ain't hootin' at you "

I'll let you know, sir, that you mustn't give me no more o' your sass. I won't stand it from you. You jest keep your mouth shet after this, if you know when you're well off."

Master Billy came tumbling in with a torn jacket, a bloody nose, the trace of a few tears in his eyes, and the mangiest of cur dogs in his hands. "Oh my! my!! my!!!" exclaimed his mother. "Don't you get scared, ma!" cried Billy, smiling a stern smile of triumph; "I smashed the nose off him! He wont sass me again for nothing this while! Uncle Teddy, d'ye know it wasn't a dog-fight, after all?

I war aimin' ter larrup Birt fur his sass, but I stopped ter hang up a skin ez I hed knocked down. It never tuk me long, much, but when I went out, thar warn't nobody ter be seen in the tanyard." He paused to place one foot upon the wooden horse, and he leaned forward with a reflective expression, his elbow on his knee, and his hand holding his bearded chin. The afternoon was waning.

"He was a one-legged old chap that used to sit down on the wharf sort of dazed and batty, until the boys roused him by pelting and hooting at him; and then he'd fire back curse words at them that would raise your hair. It was mean of them, for he was old and lame and sick; and one day I just lit out a couple of measly little chaps and ducked them overboard for their sass.

His visitor stopped chuckling and scowled instead. Jed beamed gratification. "That's it," he said. "Now you look more natural. Feelin' a little better . . . eh?" The Babbitt chin beard bristled. Its wearer leaned forward. "Shut up," he commanded. "I ain't takin' any of your sass this afternoon, Shavin's, and I ain't cal'latin' to waste much time on you, neither. You know where I'm bound now?

If a darky sass a white land owner he would be whooped bout his account or bout anything else. Yes siree right here in dis here county. Darky have to take what the white folks leave fo em and be glad he's livin. "I say I ain't never voted. Whut in de world I would want er vote for? Let em vote if they think it do em good.

It's the same sets a boy actin' foolish when a gal's sorrel top turns his way, even when she's all legs and sass. It's the same sets folks crazy to risk their lives on hilltops that a chamois 'ud hate to inspect. Guess it's a sort o' thanks offerin' to Providence it didn't see fit setting us crawling around without feet or hands, same as slugs and things that worry folks' cabbige patches.

Had he sold the cat, she sarcastically inquired of father. "Who is going to do your washing, girls?" she asked, taking off her bonnet. "We all do it." "Now I shall die a-laughing!" But she contradicted herself by crying heartily. "One day in every week, I tell you, I am coming; and Fanny and I can do the washing in a jiffy." "Sure," said Abram, "you can; the sass is in."