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We are gin'rally fa'r-minded, peaceful men, but when an old man's heart is broken, and his gray hairs brought down in sorrow to the grave, so to speak, we're bound to attend the funeral sabe?" When Mr. Twiggs had departed again, accompanied by a partner to guide him past the dangerous shoals of Tomlinson's grocery, Rice clapped his hand on Wells's shoulder.

"When he plays his hand out Mace comes back over to us no other Mexicans allowin' for to call him an' relates how it is, an' nacheral we says it's all right, which it shorely is. I asks old Santa Anna for the details of the shake-up later, but he spreads his hands, an' shrugs his shoulders, an' whines "'No quien sabe.

"I'm just a rollin' stone," he confessed, "and I just naturally roll toward trouble. If yo' evah need me again, yo'll find me where the lead flies thickest. As soon as I turn this express money ovah to the authorities, I'll be on my way again. Maybe it'll be the Rio Grande, perhaps the Chisholm Trail, and maybe well, maybe I'll stay west of the Pecos and see what I can see. Quién sabe?"

I wish now oh, I wish most fervently! that we had met some other ship into which we could both have changed; we should then have escaped all these horrors." "Possibly," agreed Leslie. "Yet `quien sabe? as the Spaniards say, who can tell? We might have trans-shipped into some craft quite as, if not even more, unfortunate than ourselves.

"Ah, senor, he who so writes is Bernal I am his compadre. He has his mother now, but no father, no father." He smiled. "You have never seen so bold and enterprising, never so handsome a boy. He can throw the lasso and use the lariat, and ride sabe Dios, he can ride! His cousin Gerado the Rurales taught him. I do well by him as I may, who have other things to think on. But I do well by him."

Stevenson: "This is to tell you that our famous round-the-world trip has been curtailed to a modest little excursion Samoa-wards and back, or mebbe we get as far as Sydney. We will make the first payment on Quien Sabe before October 1st $250. Will you ask Lloyd to let us know or I mean to bear us in mind if he hears of a horse for sale so we could buy the beast when we come up next February.

As we realized the truly formidable appearance of the caravan, Hal, with his usual impetuosity, declared that there wern't Indians enough in the country to whip us; for confirmation of his opinion, appealing to old Jerry, who, however, only shrugged his shoulders after the peculiar manner of frontiersmen, and said, "Quien sabe?" or, who knows?

"Well," said the stranger, resuming his impatient manner, "you must beg or steal a horse from your neighbors." "Thar ain't any neighbor nearer than fifteen miles." "Then send fifteen miles! Stop." He opened his still clinging shirt and drew out a belt pouch, which he threw to Morse. "There! there's two hundred and fifty dollars in that. Now, I want a horse. Sabe?"

"But what happen arter dat, Sooz'n?" "Nuffin happen. Only poor massa he look bery sad, an' says, says he, `Kurnel, I's come to say farewell. It's time enough to speak ob dat when you comes back. It's bery kind ob you to sabe my darter's life, but an' den he says a heap more, but I cou'n't make it rightly out, I was so mad."

His objective point was the spring at the headwaters of Broderson Creek, in the hills on the eastern side of the Quien Sabe ranch. The trail afforded him a short cut thitherward. As he passed the house, Mrs. Hooven came to the door, her little daughter Hilda, dressed in a boy's overalls and clumsy boots, at her skirts.