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'Wait till he lands in the Tin Isles, said Rekh-mara, 'then we can get the barbarians to help us. We will attack him by night and tear the sacred Amulet from his accursed heathen neck, he added, grinding his teeth. 'When shall we get to the Tin Isles? asked Jane. 'Oh six months, perhaps, or a year, said the Egyptian cheerfully.

He little knew how true his words were. And now all eyes were turned on the Priest and the children, and the whole audience, after a moment's breathless surprise, shouted applause. Only the lady on the other side of Rekh-mara drew back a little. She KNEW no one had passed her, and, as she said later, over tea and cold tongue, 'it was that sudden it made her flesh creep.

For there IS no secret, sacred name under the altar of Amen-Ra. 'Oh, yes there is! said a voice from under the bed. Everyone started Rekh-mara most of all. Cyril stooped and pulled out the bath of sand where the Psammead slept. 'You don't know everything, though you ARE a Divine Father of the Temple of Amen, said the Psammead shaking itself till the sand fell tinkling on the bath edge.

But men may pass through the perfect charm to the perfect union, which is not of time or space. 'Would you be so very kind, said Anthea tremulously, 'as to speak so that we can understand you? The Psammead said something about Rekh-mara not being able to live here, and if he can't get back She stopped, her heart was beating desperately in her throat, as it seemed.

'Here it's yours your very own a present from us, because you're Rekh-mara as well as... I mean, because you're such a dear. She hugged him briefly but fervently, and the four swept down the stairs to the hall, where a cabman was bringing in boxes, and where, heavily disguised in travelling cloaks and wraps, was their hearts' desire three-fold Mother, Father, and The Lamb.

And yet none of them had ever thought of it. 'Come, cried Rekh-mara, leaping up. 'Come NOW! 'May may I come? the learned gentleman timidly asked. 'It's only a dream, you know. 'Come, and welcome, oh brother, Rekh-mara was beginning, but Cyril and Robert with one voice cried, 'NO. 'You weren't with us in Atlantis, Robert added, 'or you'd know better than to let him come.

'Who are these strangers? Pharaoh asked, and added very crossly, 'And what do you mean, Rekh-mara, by daring to come into my presence while your innocence is not established? 'Oh, great King, said the young priest, 'you are the very image of Ra, and the likeness of his son Horus in every respect.

And then, as one drop of water mingles with another on a rain-wrinkled window-pane, as one bead of quick-silver is drawn into another bead, Rekh-mara's Amulet slipped into the other one, and, behold! there was no more but the one Amulet! 'Black magic! cried Rekh-mara, and sprang forward to snatch the Amulet that had swallowed his.

This was no moment for manners. 'Have you told him, he asked the Priest, 'all about the Amulet? 'No, said Rekh-mara. 'Then tell him now. He is very learned. Perhaps he can tell us what to do. Rekh-mara hesitated, then told and, oddly enough, none of the children ever could remember afterwards what it was that he did tell. Perhaps he used some magic to prevent their remembering.

Jane held up the Amulet Rekh-mara went first and they all passed through the great arch into which the Amulet grew at the Name of Power. The learned gentleman saw through the arch a darkness lighted by smoky gleams. He rubbed his eyes. And he only rubbed them for ten seconds. The children and the Priest were in a small, dark chamber.