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The Jews had regard for their phylacteries, and the Greeks and Romans had their amulets. The image of Thor was an amulet peculiar to the old Norsemen; and in Britain we have had many examples.

Take notice, and you will see that on the thumb of her right hand she wears a ring in which is set a wonderful stone that shines like the sun at eventide. That stone is a magic stone, a potent amulet, by virtue of which she is able to do many marvellous things, and, among others, to win the hearts of men.

There was an amulet in the form of a beaver's paw, a twist of tobacco, a flint, a tin looking-glass, and a folded sheet of birch bark. I stopped a moment. Should I look further? It was wartime and I was dealing with a savage. I unfolded the bark and pressed it open in my palm.

He cast a glance of tenderness and admiration into the interior of the precious pouch, readjusted his toilet, rubbed up his boots, dusted his poor half sleeves, all gray with ashes, whistled an air, indulged in a sportive pirouette, looked about to see whether there were not something more in the cell to take, gathered up here and there on the furnace some amulet in glass which might serve to bestow, in the guise of a trinket, on Isabeau la Thierrye, finally pushed open the door which his brother had left unfastened, as a last indulgence, and which he, in his turn, left open as a last piece of malice, and descended the circular staircase, skipping like a bird.

Briefly David told him how Zaida was found upon her sister's grave. Kaid's face was turned away as he listened. "She spoke no word of me?" Kaid said at last. "To whom should she speak?" David asked gently. "But the amulet thou gavest her, set with one red jewel, it was clasped in her hand in death." Suddenly Kaid's anger blazed. "Now shall Achmet die," he burst out.

This was no moment for manners. 'Have you told him, he asked the Priest, 'all about the Amulet? 'No, said Rekh-mara. 'Then tell him now. He is very learned. Perhaps he can tell us what to do. Rekh-mara hesitated, then told and, oddly enough, none of the children ever could remember afterwards what it was that he did tell. Perhaps he used some magic to prevent their remembering.

Gradually recalling all his adventures since he left the castle of Wark, he remembered and felt his hand for the amulet with which he had been gifted by King Louis when at Cyprus. The ring was there, and as Walter thought of the inscription he felt something like hope.

"That wretched stone from the cavern where Mahommed slept in the Hegira! How many times during the day had she wanted to take her shoe off? She would ascertain the cause of her torment, she would lay it to me. It had indeed been an amulet against sudden love. I was the man whose love it had forefended.

'Ah, DO get us the monkey, and then you'll see some lovely magic. Do there's a nice, kind soldier. 'I don't know where they've put your precious monkey, but if I can get another chap to take on my duty here I'll see what I can do, he said grudgingly, and went out. 'Do you mean, said Robert, 'that we're going off without even TRYING for the other half of the Amulet?

You know" touching the amulet which Stuart carried "how to deal with Chunda Lal." But still he hesitated; until she seized his hand and urged him. Thereupon he swept her wildly into his arms. "Miska! how can I leave you! It is maddening!" "You must! you must!" He looked into her eyes, stooped and kissed her upon the lips.