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SHE wouldn't think Rekh-mara was a dream. Then they went down. Nurse was in the hall, an orange envelope in one hand, and a pink paper in the other. 'Your Pa and Ma's come home. "Reach London 11.15. Prepare rooms as directed in letter", and signed in their two names. 'Oh, hooray! hooray! hooray! shouted the boys and Jane. But Anthea could not shout, she was nearer crying.

Rekh-mara held up the one he had snatched from Pheles. The word was spoken, and the two great arches grew on the plunging ship in the shrieking wind under the dark sky. From each Amulet a great and beautiful green light streamed and shone far out over the waves. It illuminated, too, the black faces and jagged teeth of the great rocks that lay not two ships' lengths from the boat's peaked nose.

In the vestibule of St George's Hall they disguised Rekh-mara as well as they could, but even with Robert's hat and Cyril's Inverness cape he was too striking a figure for foot-exercise in the London streets. It had to be a cab, and it took the last, least money of all of them.

'Take the Amulet and come away. It is cold here in the morning of the world. And then Jane felt that her hand was on a slab or table of stone, and, under her hand, something that felt like the charm that had so long hung round her neck, only it was thicker. Twice as thick. 'It's HERE! she said, 'I've got it! And she hardly knew the sound of her own voice. 'Come away, repeated Rekh-mara.

'The Amulet, then, said the Priest, deeply thoughtful, 'gives the power to move to and fro in time as well as in space? 'That's about it, said Cyril gruffly. 'Look here, it'll be tea-time directly. What are we to do with you? 'You have one-half of the Amulet, I the other, said Rekh-mara. 'All that is now needed is the pin to join them. 'Don't you think it, said Robert.

'Loosen these bonds! cried Rekh-mara in fury, 'before I blast you with the seven secret curses of Amen-Ra! 'We shouldn't be likely to loose them AFTER, Robert retorted. 'Oh, don't quarrel! said Anthea desperately. 'Look here, he has just as much right to the thing as we have. This, she took up the Amulet that had swallowed the other one, 'this has got his in it as well as being ours.

But the eyes of Rekh-mara and the learned gentleman met, and were kind to each other, and promised each other many things, secret and sacred and very beautiful. Anthea saw the look. 'Oh, but, she said, without at all meaning to say it, 'dear Jimmy's soul isn't at all like Rekh-mara's. I'm certain it isn't. I don't want to be rude, but it ISN'T, you know.

'No, said Anthea, 'let's ask the learned gentleman. If anything has happened to Rekh-mara a gentleman's advice would be more useful than a Psammead's. And the learned gentleman'll only think it's a dream, like he always does. They tapped at the door, and on the 'Come in' entered. The learned gentleman was sitting in front of his untasted breakfast.

'Dear Jimmy, said Anthea, 'please don't ask to come. We'll go and be back again before you have time to know that we're gone. 'And he, too? 'We must keep together, said Rekh-mara, 'since there is but one perfect Amulet to which I and these children have equal claims.

'Why, he was quite friendly, said Anthea. 'All the same you'd better beware of the Reverend Rekh-mara. 'Oh, I'm sick of the Amulet, said Cyril, 'we shall never get it. 'Oh yes we shall, said Robert. 'Don't you remember December 3rd? 'Jinks! said Cyril, 'I'd forgotten that. 'I don't believe it, said Jane, 'and I don't feel at all well.