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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Nor moved much in in gin'ral fash'nable sassiety?" "Not yet," interposed Phoebe, with an air of faint apology. "Nor seen any of them large posters on the fences, of 'The Prairie Flower; or, Red-handed Dick, three-act play with five tableaux, just the biggest sensation out, runnin' for forty nights, money turned away every night, standin' room only?" continued Jim, with prolonged toleration.

Scrope caught red-handed one day on his rented salmon water near Melrose. The man was a guileless creature from Selkirk, too innocent, it appeared, to be able to account for the salmon flies in the inside of his dilapidated hat, or for the 10 lb. salmon reposing in his pocket. "Dodd! I jalouse it's mebbes luppen in whan I was wadin' the watter," he said with artless smile.

This is the twentieth century, not the first. We're in America, free America. Think, I say, think! Don't act blindly! Think! This man is guilty. We all know it. He's caught red-handed. But he can't escape. Remember this, men, and think! As you value your own self-respect, as you honor the country you live in, don't be savages, don't do this deed you contemplate, this thing you've started doing.

He spoke in low and feeling tones of the struggling little community of hardy souls thus set down apart in the far-off mountain country of the West; of its trials, its hopes, its ambitions, of its expectations of becoming a mountain emporium which should be the pride of the entire Territory; he went on to mention the necessity for law and order, pointing out the danger to the public interests of the community which must lie in a general reputation for ruffianism and lawlessness, showing how Eastern Capital must ever be timid in visiting a town of such reputation, apart from investing any money therein; then, changing to the personal phases of the case, he spoke of the absolute disregard of law shown in the act charged, mentioned the red-handed deed of this lawless and dangerous person who had thus slain a pig, no less the pride of the community than the idol of the family now bereft.

A kind of horror haunts one's notion of her red-handed brazen-faced Orlofs and her, which all the cosmetics of the world will never quite cover. And yet, on the spot, in Petersburg at the moment ! Read this Clipping from Smelfungus, on a collateral topic:

He's going to marry Miss Krill and her money, and is getting cash together by fleecing young Sandal. That fool will play, and keeps losing his money, although I've warned him." "Then don't warn him. I wish to catch Hay red-handed." "Ah," Miss Qian nodded, "you may catch him red-handed in a worse matter than gambling."

They left out Dave and put Hollis in a bad light. He was 'caught red-handed and never was brought to an honest trial. And it was clear besides, being 'hand in glove with the Secretary of the Interior' he had a 'pull with the Federal court. I couldn't stand for it."

"Why didn't you ketch 'em, then, 'fore they did this here?" said Dave with a little laugh. "Ay, why didst thou not stop this?" growled Hickathrift. "Because the thing was not quite ripe. I shall tak' 'em yet red-handed, and then " He paused and rubbed his hands. "What then?" asked Dave. "Transportation or hanging one of them," said the constable with a chuckle.

We are all forewarned now. I should have told you all this before, but I was afraid you would think I was trying to blacken Lapelle. I wanted to catch him red-handed, as the saying is. Isaac Stain is coming in to sleep here to-morrow night, and Zachariah, for all his fear of ghosts and lightning, is not afraid of men. We will be ready for them if they come, so don't you worry."

Helene was taken red-handed in the theft of wine, and was dismissed. Fifteen days later she took service with the Bidards. These are the salient facts of Helene's progression from 1833 to 1851 as brought out by the investigations made by and for the Procureur-General of Rennes. All possible channels were explored to discover where Helene had procured the arsenic, but without success.

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