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Well, sir, as you said just now, it's no use crying over spilled milk; you can't unseduce the little fool; so you must marry her." "M m marry her?" and Dujardin flushed all over, and his heart beat, and he stared in Raynal's face. "Why, what is the matter again? If she has played the fool, it was with you, and no other man: it is not as if she was depraved. Come, my lad, show a little generosity!

Yours is a face I don't see every day, colonel; besides I would not miss THEIR faces, especially the baroness's and Madame Raynal's, at sight of you; and, besides," and the young gentleman chuckled to himself, and thought of Rose's words, "the next time we meet;" well, this will be the next time. "May I jump up behind?" Colonel Raynal nodded assent.

"You are quite sure the bastion is mined, comrade?" This unexpected word and Raynal's gentle appeal touched Dujardin deeply. It was in a broken voice he replied that he was unfortunately too sure of it. Raynal received this reply as a sentence of death, and without another word walked slowly into Dujardin's tent.

It endeavours to justify the outrages of the house of commons, in the case of the Middlesex election, and to vindicate the harsh measures then in agitation against America: it can only, therefore, be admired as a clever, sophistical composition. Eb. For arguments on the opposite side of this question, see the Abbé Raynal's Revolution of America, and Edin. Rev. xl. p. 451. Ed.

"The Philosophical and Political History of the Establishments and Commerce of the Europeans in the Two Indies" is a miscellany of extracts from many sources, and of short essays by Raynal's brilliant acquaintances, on superstition, tyranny, and similar themes. The reputed author had written for the public prints, and had published several works, none of which attracted attention.

Raynal's reputation is that of a plagiarist, but his best work is attributed to far greater names of his time. He died in 1796. Reeves, pp. 430-434. Macpherson, vol. iv. p. 10. Macpherson, Annals of Commerce, vol. i. p. 485-486. Bryan Edwards, West Indies, vol. ii. p. 450. Officially, Statute of 15 Charles II. Reeves, p. 50. Chalmers, Opinions on Interesting Subjects, p. 28.

The baroness's pale cheek flushed a little. "I mean," said she, "that my patience is worn out at last; I cannot live surrounded by secrets. Raynal's gloomy looks when he left us, after staying but one hour; Josephine ill from that day, and bursting into tears at every word; yourself pale and changed, hiding an unaccountable sadness under forced smiles Now, don't interrupt me.

The baroness could not alone sustain the spirits of the party, and soon even she began to notice that Raynal's replies were short, and that his manner was distrait and gloomy. The sisters saw this too, and trembled for what might be coming. At last Raynal said bluntly, "Josephine, I want to speak to you alone."

In some epochs spirits as hardy as Raynal's, and wits as quick as Riviere's, would have fled then and there to the nearest public, and told over cups how they had heard the dames of Beaurepaire, long since dead, holding their revel, and the conscious old devil's nest of a chateau quivering to the ghostly strains. But this was an incredulous age.

"Why, as to that, she was in no condition to deny she had fallen, poor girl; the evidence was too strong. She did not reveal her seducer's name; but I had not far to go for that." "One question more," said Dujardin, with a face of anguish. "Is it Jos is it Madame Raynal's wish I should marry her sister?"