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He started up and turned his head away from the door. "A young woman from Beaurepaire, monsieur." "From Beaurepaire?" his heart gave a furious leap. "Show her in." He wiped his eyes and seated himself at a table, and, all in a flutter, pretended to be the state's. It was not Jacintha, as he expected, but the other servant.

Edouard felt as it were a portcullis of ice come down between her and him. She courtesied and glided away. He bowed and stood frozen to the spot. He felt so lonely and so bitter, he must go to Jacintha for comfort. He took advantage of the ladies being with Dard, and marched boldly into the kitchen of Beaurepaire. "Well, I never," cried Jacintha. "But, after all, why not?"

For taking this part in the conspiracy he expected a fat sinecure on the return of the Bourbons, in recompense for his devotion. Early in April, 1807, Lefebre and Le Chevalier were dining together at the Hôtel du Point-de-France at Argentan. They had found Beaurepaire, Desmontis and the Cousin Dusaussay there; they went to the café and stayed there several hours.

Social ambition could get little hold of him; let parvenus give balls half in doors, half out, and light two thousand lamps, and waste their substance battling and manoeuvring for fashionable distinction; he had nothing to gain by such foolery, nothing to lose by modest living; he was the twenty-ninth Baron of Beaurepaire.

So the baroness did nothing new in this family when she hung her chaplet on the knights' bough; and, in fact, on the west side, about eighteen feet from the ground, there still mouldered one corner of an Atchievement an heir of Beaurepaire had nailed there two centuries before, when his predecessor died: "For," said he, "the chateau is of yesterday, but the tree has seen us all come and go."

She was always listening with supernatural keenness and starting from her chair, and every fibre of her lovely person seemed to be on the quiver. Nor was Rose without a serious misgiving. Would husband and wife ever meet? He evidently looked on her as Madame Raynal, and made it a point of honor to keep away from Beaurepaire. They had recourse to that ever-soothing influence her child.

He drove to the farmhouse; when the carriage drove up, a young lady looked out of the window on the first floor. It was Rose de Beaurepaire. She caught the doctor's eye, and he hers. She came down and welcomed him with a great appearance of cordiality, and asked him, with a smile, how he found them out. "From your medical attendant," said the doctor, dryly. Rose looked keenly in his face.

Towards the close of the last century the Baron de Beaurepaire lived in the chateau of that name in Brittany. Since that day more than twenty gentlemen of the same lineage had held in turn the original chateau and lands, and handed them down to their present lord. Thus rooted in his native Brittany, Henri Lionel Marie St.

Such songs bind ages together and make the lofty and the low akin by the great ties of music and the heart. Many a Breton peasant's bosom in the olden time had gushed over her sleeping boy as the young dame's of Beaurepaire gushed now in this quaint, tuneful lullaby.

These determined him to return to Beaurepaire; and, must I own it, the announcement was no longer hailed at Beaurepaire with universal joy as heretofore. Josephine Raynal, late Dujardin, is by this time no stranger to my intelligent reader. I wish him to bring his knowledge of her character and her sensibility to my aid.