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"Si tout doit finir avec nous, si l'homme ne doit rien attendre apres cette vie, et que ce soit ici notre patrie, notre origine, et la seul felicite que nous pouvons nous promettre, pourquoi n'y sommes-nous pas heureux? Si nous ne naissons que pour les plaisirs des sens, pourquoi ne peuvent-ils nous satisfaire, et laissent-ils toujours un fond d'ennui et de tristesse dans notre coeur?

Pourquoi avez-vous tué l'Empereur Maximilian?" Not comprehending this sudden arraignment, although she felt the heavy hand upon her shoulder, heard the angry voice at her side, and saw the unfriendly faces that surrounded her, our dear Miss Cassandra, by way of making matters worse, repeated the only word that she had caught: "Mexican! Yes, the Mexican cactus is much finer than this!"

Pourquoi moques-tu ton esclave Qui sert un destin immortel!" Here a sudden rustle in the leaves on the other side of the hedge startled her, and a curious-looking human head adorned profusely with somewhat disordered locks of red hair perked up enquiringly. Cicely jumped back with an exclamation. "Saint Moses! What is it?" "It is me! Merely me!" and Sir Morton Pippitt's quondam guest, Mr.

A few days ago I received from one of the most eminent members of the Institut of France a pamphlet entitled "Pourquoi la France n'a pas trouvé d'hommes supérieurs au moment du péril."

The novice-master was annoyed at the Americans' incessant demand for the reason why of all things permitted, and the reason why not of all things prohibited; until at last Brother Walworth was named Brother Pourquoi.

Two hundred miles, and offers a thousand dollars!" "Capitaine!" Un grand passion pour le cheval. Pourquoi: vy he no like him ver sheep? vy he no steal 'im?" I started at the suggestion, and looked towards Saint Vrain. "Vith permiss of le capitaine, I vill le cheval cache," continued the Canadian, moving towards the door.

Darwin lays such great stress, he had no conception; indeed, he doubts whether there really are such things as extinct species, unless they be such large animals as may have met their death at the hands of man; and so little does he dream of there being any other destructive causes at work, that, in discussing the possible existence of fossil shells, he asks, "Pourquoi d'ailleurs seroient-ils perdues des que l'homme n'a pu operer leur destruction?"

"Mais pourquoi? pourquoi vous en aller?" exclaimed the simple woman, with an air of consternation; "est-ce que vous n'etes pas bien ici?" Bourg St. Andeol, where we stopped next, is a very interesting place. My husband was particularly pleased with the little town and the Hotel Nicolai.

"Ah, mammazellchen c'est pas mal, ne soyez triste, mein Gott mammazellchen es ist aber nichts!" chided Emma consolingly from her place near the window. "Oh! je ne veux pas, je ne veux pas," sobbed Mademoiselle. No one spoke; Mademoiselle lay snuffling and shuddering. Solomon's scissors fell on to the floor. "Mais pourquoi pas, Mademoiselle?" she interrogated as she recovered them.

These questions and answers I can still recall with tolerable accuracy, and some of them I will add here. I never have read them, as we were taught them only by word of mouth. Question. "Pourquoi le bon Dieu n'a pas fait tous les commandemens?" Reponse. "Parce que l'homme n'est pas si fort qu'il peut garder tous ses commandemens." Q. "Why did not God make all the commandments?"