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Updated: August 22, 2024

"Yah, I got two pairs of batent-leather shoes." "Hope you brought your pumps," put in Sam, who had come up. "Bumps?" queried Hans, with a puzzled look. "Vy I pring me a bump? Does der poat leak?" "Well, that's the limit!" roared Dick. "Sam means your dancing pumps?" said Fred. "You mustn't forget them, you know not if you want to be a really and truly society man."

"We are not particularly flush," said Mark, who was appointed chief haggler. "Where's the boat, and how much do you want for it?" "De poat is in de water, but I vill hab it prought to de landing-stage for you to zee."

"Co doon, then, an' git the poat ready." The boy disappeared without reply a willing messenger. A few minutes more, and Ivor and Ian were rowing the boat towards a part of the sea which was deemed good fishing ground, while the rest of the party busied themselves arranging the lines.

Stevanson was the poat who wrote the birdie with a yellow bill in the reader. I wish you would tel me if Grandma's eye is worse and what about Grandfather's rheumatism. "Your fond friend, Eleanor. "P. S. We have a silver organ in all the rooms to have heat in. I was afrayd of them at first."

"I looks everywhere," he said, "and don't finds de poat. Hab you one poat, or hab you not?" I carefully described the exact location of the sneak- box in the rear of the tollgate-house, when he hastily disappeared. The old lady and I had fully discussed the wishy-washy coffee question, when mine host returned.

"There's the auld piper again!" said one of the group, a young woman. "Haud ye yer tongue, lass," rejoined an elderly woman beside her. "There's mair things nor ye ken, as the Beuk says. There's een 'at can see an' een 'at canna, an' een 'at can see twise ower, an' een 'at can see steikit what nane can see open." "Ta poat! ta poat of my chief!" cried the seer.

Jack and Jimmie were not inclined to favor the scheme, but they assisted in launching the boat and stood with half-frightened faces while Ned and Frank stepped into her. Just as they were pushing off, Hans made his appearance on the little platform, his china-blue eyes filled with excitement. "Mine friendts," he said, "vot iss if I goes py the poat?" "No more room," said Frank.

"How beautiful that was!" exclaimed Van Mounen. "Just like a dream!" Jacob drew close to Ben, giving his usual approving nod, as he spoke. "Dat ish goot. Dat ish te pest vay. I shay petter to take to Leyden mit a poat!" "Take a boat!" exclaimed Ben in dismay. "Why, man, our plan was to SKATE, not to be carried like little children." "Tuyfels!" retorted Jacob.

"And who will it pe than her own son, Mistress Reekie?" answered the piper, calling her by her husband's nickname, as was usual, but, as was his sole wont, prefixing the title of respect, where custom would have employed but her Christian name. "Who'll should it pe put her own Malcolm?" he went on. "I see his poat come round ta Tead Head. She flits over the water like a pale ghost over Morven.

"Dat ish no little no papies to go for poat!" The boys laughed but exchanged uneasy glances. It would be great fun to jump on an iceboat, if they had a chance, but to abandon so shamefully their grand undertaking who could think of such a thing? An animated discussion arose at once. Captain Peter brought his party to a halt.

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