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Morven, "when poor Harry trifled with the most important of all questions, his soul's salvation, and put off his final decision till some 'more convenient season, that that season would never come to him." Of all the young men of Squantown he had seemed the least likely to be suddenly called into eternity.

"Do you mean to tell me that you can dine with a lineal descendant of Sir Fitzroy Donald Maclean, Baronet, of Duart and Morven, and not make any effort to trace your genealogy back further than your parents?"

In one form or another, the horrid necessity for deceit had followed, and was still following, that first, worst act of falsehood the elopement from Mount Morven. Kitty was now as eager to go as she had been hitherto resolute to remain. She called for Susan to follow her, and ran to the hotel. "My mistress won't let her come back you can leave the garden that way."

And leaving the body of the elder on the floor, Morven, stole from the house and shut the gate. And as he was going to his cave he mused a little while, when, hearing the mighty roar of the waves advancing, and afar off the shrieks of women, he lifted up his head, and said proudly: "No! in this hour terror alone shall be my slave; I will use no art save the power of my soul."

Doubtless the star hath informed thee of the service thou canst render to us if we take thee into our palace, as well as the ill that will fall on us if we refuse." Morven answered meekly: "Surely, if thou acceptest thy servant, the star will teach him that which may requite thee; but as yet he knows only what he has uttered."

"I should abstain from doing all this; should be able to put any one else out of your way for you, when you get rid of this Count of Morven, as you assuredly will; for I know him too well not to be sure of that." "Get rid of him!" "Exactly, in the same manner you got rid of the old count." "Then I accept your terms." "It is agreed, then?" "Yes, quite."

And Morven said, smiling to himself, "Behold, the credulous fools around me put faith in the flight and motions of birds. I will teach this poor hawk to minister to my ends." So he tamed the bird, and tutored it according to its nature; but he concealed it carefully from others, and cherished it in secret.

"They can; let us meet to-morrow." Thus saying, Morven passed into the forest. The next day, at noon, they met again. "I have consulted the gods of night, and they have given me the power that I prayed for, but on one condition." "Name it."

"Set me on dry ground in Appin, or Ardgour, or in Morven, or Arisaig, or Morar; or, in brief, where ye please, within thirty miles of my own country; except in a country of the Campbells. That's a broad target. If ye miss that, ye must be as feckless at the sailoring as I have found ye at the fighting.

It has been shown how the chief added the rock of Eriska to his possessions; in the course of the following century, a great part of the Isles of Mull and Tirey, with detached lands in Isla, Jura, Scarba, and in the districts of Morven, Lochaber, and Knapdale, were included in the estates of the chiefs of Duart, who rose, in the time of James the Sixth, to be among the most powerful of the families of the Hebrides.