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"I used to imagine you were gone on her," went on Pickford; "I suppose it was only a boy-and-girl affair." Bob did not reply; he could not discuss the tragedy of his life with his old school-fellow. "Where is Trevanion now?" he asked presently. "He must be close by," was the reply. "I saw him less than an hour ago, when the Germans were beginning to give way.

"Nurse, the racoon that the gentleman had, would drink sweet whiskey-punch; but my governess said it was not right to give it to him; and Major Pickford laughed, and declared the racoon must have looked very funny when it was tipsy. Was not the Major naughty to say so?" Mrs. Frazer said it was not quite proper.

"I am Lord Ronley, fifth Earl of Pickford, and, cousin of his Most Excellent Majesty the King of England; there is the proof." He tossed the parchment to the table carelessly, resuming his chair. "Forgive me," said he, as the general took it. "I have little taste for such theatricals. Necessity is my only excuse." "It is enough," said the other. "I am glad to know you.

How so? Because in this island he had always understood eight horses to be consecrated to royal use. Not at all, we assured him; Pickford, the great carrier, always horsed his wagons with eight. And the law knew of no distinction between wagon and post- chaise, coach-horse or cart-horse.

"Ay, but Pickford was there with the escape, an' got 'em all out before we came up," said one. "Pickford said he couldn't help laughing after he got 'em out, at the remembrance o' their faces. When he first went in they was all sound asleep in the top floor, for the smoke was only beginnin' to show there, an' the surprise they got when he jump in among 'em an' shouted was wonderful to behold."

She returned with her arms full of toilet things, and for fifteen minutes helped Marjorie look pretty. She finished by brushing out her hair and arranging it loosely in curls, with a big ribbon securing it, like Mary Pickford or one of her rivals.

Nothing but the wonderful sense of order in the make-up of the average Englishman has prevented us from becoming an Anglo-Canadian rabble, dangerous to Bolshevik and Russian alike. I am told that Brigadier Pickford had done his best to maintain order and discipline in his ranks; that he had been compelled to make very awkward promises to his troops which having been made had to be fulfilled.

"Not but what I ain't strong for Stub Mears myself. He's all right, Stub is, even if he never could qualify in a beauty competition with Jack Pickford or Mr. Doug. Fairbanks. He's good comp'ny and all that, and now he's in the army I expect he'll ditch that ambition of his to be the champion heavy-weight pool player of the West Side. "But to hear Mrs.

Fact'ries are always doing things they hadn't ought to." But Jane was silent and thoughtful, and they were presently lost in the charms of Mary Pickford. The evening papers came out with pictures of Elizabeth Stanhope and her bridegroom that was to have been. Jane cut away the bridegroom and pasted the bride's picture in the flyleaf of her Bible, then hid it away in the bottom of her trunk.

It's impossible to get up any proper enthusiasm until the lamps are lighted." "I feel a perfect stick at 4 P. M.," admitted Carmel. "What will you feel later on?" "A sort of combination of Mary Pickford and Charlie Chaplin thrown together, I hope!" twinkled Carmel. "It depends whether you put me on a comic turn or a romantic scene." "I vote we have a little bit of both," said Gowan.