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"I ain't seen my boss since dem Yankees took me 'way. I was seven miles down in de swamp when I was tuk. I wouldn' of tol' him goodbye. I jes wouldn' of lef' him. No sir, I couldn' have lef' my good boss. He tol' me dem Yankees was comin' to take me off. I never wanted to see him 'cause I would have went back 'cause he pertected me an' loved me. "Like dis week, I lef' de crowd.

That's what I want to know. We are licensed dealers here, and we got to be pertected. Come across, young feller, come across! What's your name?" "Bill Sherman," said Frank, and was sorry as soon as he had said it. But he did not dare retract his words. "So far, so good!" said the man to whom the name meant nothing. "Now, Bill Sherman, where did you get this watch?"

Eurip is crazy about it, but there ain't niggers enough to pick it all. So I'm in the nigger trade an' tryin' to be useful to my country, an' wot does I git fur it? I git looked down on, an' a nigger's pertected fur a-topperin' of me! But never mind, I'll be a big skull yet, an' keep my kerrige in Floredey." "What's Floredey good fur?" Levin asked.

It's a blame sight more likely that they got a sort o' notion in their heads that Juan was bad medicine. It they get it in their minds that a man is loco, an' pertected by spirits, an' that sort o' thing, they won't fight him, fer fear o' gettin' the worst of it. That's about why we got out of there, I reckon.

Says I to my own sef, 'Specs now ef poor Lony could only find de table of de bressed Lord, 'twould all be well, and she'd be pertected foreber. So I prayed and prayed, and one night de good Lord comed hissef, and bringd his great, splendid table, and all de fair angels dressed in white and gold and settin roun it, and I got under, and I ate de crumbs dat fell down, and den 'pears I begun to live.

"Yes, I du; an' you'll all hev it stret through the femily, every one; you needn't expect ter go scot-free, Emerline, 'ith all your rosy cheeks; an' you'll all hev ter stay in canteen a month ter the least; an' ef you're none o' yer pertected by vaticination, I reckon I" "Well, Aunt Mimy, if that's your opinion, I'll harness the filly and drive over for Dr. Sprague."

But you no this glorus Govyment must be pertected, and the bully Stars and Strips must flote, and your Si is goin to help do it. "My pen is poor, my ink is pale, My luv for you shall never fale. "Yours, aflfeckshnitly, Si Klegg." SI KLEGG was a good specimen of a healthy, robust Hoosier lad for he could scarcely be called' a man yet.

Dey thought dey were pertected by de Chisolm crowd. "De nex' Frid'y night Walter walked right into dat bar-room ag'in. Mr. Dabbs say, "What you doin' here, Nigger?" Walter say, "You 'member what you done to me tonight one week?" An' he say, "Well, what's to it?" Den Walter say, "Well, I come to settle wid you." Mr.

You'll be pertected to the limit; don't you worry," sneered Noonan. "But you can't get away with this old-fashioned stuff nowadays, Doolittle," protested Remington. "Can't we? You jest leave it to your Uncle Benjamin. You don't know nothing about this. See?" "I know it's a dirty, low, underhanded " "George," remarked Mr.