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Updated: August 2, 2024
Still they could not keep away from the sweet harmonies and rhythmic litanies of Saint Polycarp on the great Church festival-days; so that, between the two, they were so much together, that the boarders began to make remarks, and our landlady said to me, one day, that, though it was noon of her business, them that had eyes couldn't help seein' that there was somethin' goin', on between them two young people; she thought the young man was a very likely young man, though jest what his prospecs was was unbeknown to her; but she thought he must be doing well, and rather guessed he would be able to take care of a femily, if he didn't go to takin' a house; for a gentleman and his wife could board a great deal cheaper than they could keep house; but then that girl was nothin' but a child, and wouldn't think of bein' married this five year.
Had not known that we was keepin company, and never mistrusted anything particular. Ma'am was right to better herself. Didn't look very rugged to take care of a femily, but could get hired haalp, she calc'lated. The great maternal instinct came crowding up in her soul just then, and her eyes wandered until they settled on her daughter. No, poor, dear woman, that could not have been.
"Yes, I du; an' you'll all hev it stret through the femily, every one; you needn't expect ter go scot-free, Emerline, 'ith all your rosy cheeks; an' you'll all hev ter stay in canteen a month ter the least; an' ef you're none o' yer pertected by vaticination, I reckon I" "Well, Aunt Mimy, if that's your opinion, I'll harness the filly and drive over for Dr. Sprague."
"Lor'! yer no need ter du thet, Miss Ruggles, I kin kerry yer all through jest uz well uz Dr. Sprague, an' a sight better, ef the truth wuz knowed. I tuk Miss Deacon Smiler an' her hull femily through the measles an' hoopin'-cough, like a parcel o' pigs, this fall. They du say Jane's in a poor way an' Nathan'l's kind o' declinin'; but, uz I know they say it jest ter spite me, I don' so much mind.
Had not known that we was keepin company, and never mistrusted anything particular. Ma'am was right to better herself. Didn't look very rugged to take care of a femily, but could get hired haalp, she calc'lated. The great maternal instinct came crowding up in her soul just then, and her eyes wandered until they settled on her daughter. No, poor, dear woman, that could not have been.
"My mother taught me femily. "'For she's the darling of merart, And she lives in my femily." "Well, you'd best be careful, Thomas, and your mother too." "Your mother's no better than she should be," said Thomas vaguely. "Do you think I haven't heard that before?" retorted the boy. The other concluded he might now say anything. So he might the name of old Emily excepted.
W'en I wuz a heousekeeper, I used ter keep the femily in butter an' sell enough to Miss Smith she thet wuz Mary Breown ter buy our shoes, all off uv one ceow. S'pose I take this pat?" I was kind of dumfoundered at first; I forgot Aunt Mimy was the biggest beggar in Rockingham County. "No," says I, as soon as I got my breath, "I sha'n't suppose any such thing.
Still they could not keep away from the sweet harmonies and rhythmic litanies of Saint Polycarp on the great Church festival-days; so that, between the two, they were so much together, that the boarders began to make remarks, and our landlady said to me, one day, that, though it was noon of her business, them that had eyes couldn't help seein' that there was somethin' goin', on between them two young people; she thought the young man was a very likely young man, though jest what his prospecs was was unbeknown to her; but she thought he must be doing well, and rather guessed he would be able to take care of a femily, if he didn't go to takin' a house; for a gentleman and his wife could board a great deal cheaper than they could keep house; but then that girl was nothin' but a child, and wouldn't think of bein' married this five year.
Still they could not keep away from the sweet harmonies and rhythmic litanies of Saint Polycarp on the great Church festival-days; so that, between the two, they were so much together, that the boarders began to make remarks, and our landlady said to me, one day, that, though it was noon of her business, them that had eyes couldn't help seein' that there was somethin' goin' on between them two young people; she thought the young man was a very likely young man, though jest what his prospecs was was unbeknown to her; but she thought he must be doin' well, and rather guessed he would be able to take care of a femily, if he didn't go to takin' a house; for a gentleman and his wife could board a great deal cheaper than they could keep house; but then that girl was nothin' but a child, and wouldn't think of bein' married this five year.
"The way of it was this she went as a children's maid into a religious femily" here the two glittering eyes were fiercely fastened upon Solomon "where she became a serious young person of decided piety, as they call it an' h l till me, but another month will make it decided enough -well, sir, deel a long she was there till the saint, her masther, made a sinner of her, and now she's likely to have her gifts, such as they ir.
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