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There was a light in the library, the door of which was ajar, and on the large table were decanters, a siphon, and some biscuits and sandwiches. A large grip stood upon the floor, also. For some reason which was a mystery to me, Smith had decided that we must assume false names whilst under the roof of the Gables; and: "Now, Pearce," he said, "a whisky-and-soda before we look around?"

"I can't think where you got it all from." "Got it all from?" ses Bill, staring at her. "Why, from 'im." "Oh, of course," ses Mrs. Pearce. "I didn't think of that; but that only makes it the more wonderful, doesn't it? because, you see, he didn't go on the Evening Star." "Wot?" ses George Hatchard. "Why you told me yourself " "I know I did," ses Mrs.

Bayard, Bigler, Bragg, Bright, Clingman, Crittenden, Fitch, Green, Gwin, Hunter, Johnson of Tennessee, Kennefly, Lane, Latham, Mason, Nicholson, Pearce, Polk, Powell, Pugh, Rice, Saulsbury and Sebastian-23. "'Six senators retained their seats and refused to vote, thus themselves allowing the Clark Proposition to supplant the Crittenden Resolution by a vote of twenty-five to twenty-three. Mr.

Seizing a moment when the choir's back was turned to the congregation, she slipped noiselessly out of the cathedral and was fleeing down the steps when she came face to face with Monte Pearce. "Caught at last!" he exclaimed, planting himself firmly in her way. "I've been playing watchdog for Mac for three Sundays. What are you doing in town?" "In town?"

"You're to go down into the town. Walk slow as far as the Last Nugget. Cross the road and come back. Look at every man you meet or see standing by. Don't be in the least frightened. Pearce and Smith will be right behind you. They'd get to you before anything could happen.... Do you understand?" "Yes," replied Joan. Red Pearce stirred uneasily.

Of the others we need now point only to Samuel Pearce, the seraphic preacher of Birmingham, who went home and sent £70 to the collection, and who, since he desired to give himself like Carey, became to him dearer than even Fuller was.

The peasant bearing of his early youth showed itself throughout his life in a certain shyness, which gave a charm to his converse with old and young. Occasionally, as in a letter which he wrote to his friend Pearce of Birmingham, at a time when he did not know whether his distant correspondent was alive or dead, he burst forth into an unrestrained enthusiasm of affection and service.

"I ses to myself," ses Bill Flurry, "either that's a ghost, I ses or else it's Charlie " "Go on," ses George Hatchard, as was sitting with 'is fists clinched on the table and 'is eyes wide open, staring at 'im. "Pearce," ses Bill Flurry. You might 'ave heard a pin drop. They all sat staring at 'im, and then George Hatchard took out 'is handkerchief and 'eld it up to 'is face.

"You may be sorry anon, good man; and now answer! What was your business with Betsy Pearce?" "I will not answer." "You had no business with Tom Pearce?" "I did not." "Stranger, your story don't work. Betsy Pearce has been dead and in her grave these two years." "I know that!" "Ah, you knew it?" "Yes, I learned so since my arrival on the coast."

"It is worth at least two hundred," said the elder Mr. Pearce. "Where did you say she lived?" "She is one of the young ladies at Aylmer House Miss Howland." "What! from Mrs. Ward's school?" "Yes." "You had better give me that brooch, Alfred," said his brother. "We'll have to consider what is to be done. We can't rob the young lady of it. We had best consult Mrs. Ward."