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By one of those little ironies in which life seems to delight, the only opportunity that presented itself lay directly in the path of temptation. A few days after her interview with Monte Pearce, Dan came to her with an offer to do some office work at the bottle factory. The regular stenographer was off on a vacation, and a substitute was wanted for the month of September.

One word more about the race, all but extinct, of the people opprobriously called prize-fighters. Some of them have been as noble, kindly men as the world ever produced. Can the rolls of the English aristocracy exhibit names belonging to more noble, more heroic men than those who were called respectively Pearce, Cribb, and Spring?

"I suppose, colonel, that you can give me a shake down," said Harry; "I have got leave to remain on shore." Her cousin's remaining prevented Alice from speaking to her father that night. Harry showed no intention of going to bed till Pearce had taken his leave, and Alice had retired.

"Howdy boys!" said Kells, wanly. Gulden cursed in amaze while Pearce dropped to his knee with an exclamation of concern. Then both began to talk at once. Kells interrupted them by lifting a weak hand. "No, I'm not going to cash," he said. "I'm only starved and in need of stimulants. Had my back half shot off." "Who plugged you, Jack?" "Gulden, it was your side-partner, Bill." "Bill?"

Pearce pour out cups of chocolate and put a heaped spoonful of whipped cream on the top of each cup in the fashion familiar to Germans and altogether lovely in the eyes of the children of Symford, Robin went to her and offered help. Annalise looked at him with heavy eyes, and shook her head. "She don't speak no English, sir," explained Mrs. Pearce. "This one's pure heathen."

During Thomas Jefferson's term of office, while Spain bowed beneath the yoke of France, from which there was then no prospect of relief, the people of Cuba, feeling themselves imcompetent in force to maintain their independence, sent a deputation to Washington, proposing the annexation of the island to the federal system of North America. In 1854 President Pearce instructed Wm.

Kells was holding a rendezvous with members of his Legion. Joan even recognized his hard and somber tone, and the sharp voice of Red Pearce, and the drawl of Handy Oliver. "All right. I'll be quiet," responded Cleve, cautiously. "Joan, you're to answer a few questions." Then a soft hand touched Joan, and a voice differently keyed from any she had heard on the border addressed her.

Pearce could not benefit him now, how could he later? Still his only alternative seemed to be to surrender, upon the condition that he be given fair treatment at the hands of the government. But notwithstanding this stipulation, no sooner had he signified his intention of yielding without resistance than he was roughly siezed and bound.

"I beg your pardon, Captain Ripley," said Alice, recovering herself from the slight confusion into which she had been thrown; "I should have introduced my cousin to you." "Harry Verner and I are old shipmates I suspect, unless there are two of the name very much like each other," said Pearce, rising and putting out his hand.

Writing from the Capital to Pearce, December, 1795, regarding a young negro, Washington says: "If Cyrus continues to give evidence of such qualities as would fit him for a waiting man, encourage him to persevere in them; and if they should appear to be sincere and permanent, I will receive him in that character when I retire from public life if not sooner.