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Updated: August 19, 2024

At the nearest street corner I met the patrolman on the beat. "Hello, cully!" he growled as I was passing him; and then with a hand on my arm he stopped me. "You're forgettin' somethin', ain't you?" "I guess not," I answered. "I guess yes," he retorted. "It's pay-day at the works, and you gotta come across." Here was the remainder of the conspiracy made plain as day.

"I had been living in the way I have described, for two years, and had learned to do a good many things in my own defence, very disagreeable to me, but nevertheless very useful. I had gotten a little money together by asking some of my boarders for pay before pay-day came, or by making such remarks as prompted them to hand the money to me instead of Mr. Seabrook.

'You've got the trick yet, I see. But Billy only nodded and went on playing. 'Where's Nixon? I asked. 'Gone to bed, said Shaw, 'and I am glad of it. He finds that the safest place on pay-day afternoon. The boys don't bother him there.

Nobody was punished for having been tipsy, as pay-day is considered, on board a man-of-war, as the winding-up of all incorrect behaviour, and from that day the sailors turn over a new leaf; for, although some latitude is permitted, and the seamen are seldom flogged in harbour, yet the moment that the anchor is at the bows, strict discipline is exacted, and intoxication must no longer hope to be forgiven.

"What, Cos Cob!" I answered. "It's aces. Charlie Osgood says Cos Cob is a great Saturday night town because it's pay-day at the gas works. From there we jump to Green's Farms for the Monday night show." "Is that place really on the map?" Bunch asked. "Sure it is," I said. "Charlie says it's a good Monday night town because two through freights lay over there till daylight.

Who ut was, an' what ut was, an' how ut got there, we do not know; but I know in my bones that you an' me an' Jock wid his sprained thumb will get a fortune thereby. Lave me alone, an' let me think. Meantime the palanquin stayed in my stall, the key of which was in Mulvaney's hands. Pay-day came, and with it beer.

Several sheep-herders, who had arrived late to dip into the vanishing diversions of Comanche, and a few railroad men to whom pay-day had just supplied a little more fuel to waste in its fires, were in Hun Shanklin's tent when Dr. Slavens and his backer arrived. Shanklin was running off about the same old line of talk, for he was more voluble than inventive, and never varied it much.

It was paid; it kept Kite alive; also, no doubt, it kept him from doing what he might have done, in art or anything else. On quarterly pay-day the dreamer always spent two or three pounds on gifts to those of his friends who were least able to make practical return. To Olga, of course, he had offered lordly presents, until the day when she firmly refused to take anything more from him.

I will speak to your father this very evening." Saturday, as is usual in such establishments, was pay-day at the store of Phil's employers. The week's wages were put up in small envelopes and handed to the various clerks. When Phil went up to the cashier to get his money he put it quietly into his vest-pocket.

There were disappointments, mutterings, remonstrances, hours missed, money drawn in advance; and above the tinkling of coins, Sigismond's voice could be heard, calm and relentless, defending the interests of his employers with a zeal amounting to ferocity. Frantz was familiar with all the dramas of pay-day, the false accents and the true.

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