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No, my dear; rest assured that these men will never get at our secret never." I smiled within myself. How little did he dream that the man of whom he had been speaking was actually overhearing his words! "But Ethelwynn, in order to regain her place in the doctor's heart, may betray us," his wife remarked dubiously. "She dare not," was the reply. "From her we have nothing whatever to fear.

"Glad am I to see that thy goodman leaveth the cord as slack as may be, Goody Billington," whispered Lois, late maid to Mistress Carver, but now the promised second wife of Francis Eaton, who stood beside her, and overhearing the whisper said reprovingly, "Nay, wench, thou speakest foolishly. If evil-doers are to go unwhipt of justice how long shall this colony endure.

"Damp!" whispered Johnnie; "why, it hasn't rained since the third week in August; papa said so yesterday." "That's nothing, Miss Johnnie," put in Alexander, overhearing her. "Folks hereaway don't open their front doors much, only for weddings and funerals and such like. Very likely this has stood shut these five years.

As for the evidence of the under-gardener, it was little better than pure invention. The greater part of the conversation which he had described himself as overhearing had never taken place. For the rest, Mr. Macallan's behavior toward his wife was invariably kind and considerate.

Whether he were overhearing too, she could not determine. After a good many compliments to Jane on her dress and look, compliments very quietly and properly taken, Mrs. Elton was evidently wanting to be complimented herself and it was, "How do you like my gown? How do you like my trimming? How has Wright done my hair?" with many other relative questions, all answered with patient politeness. Mrs.

But while he was engaged in restoring order among the troops, the enemy, no doubt overhearing our movements, commenced a discharge on us from some cannon loaded with langrain, which they seemed to have brought up within a few hundred yards of us.

Milvain had used them for evidence in her investigations. "She's been spying upon us," she said, "following us about London, overhearing what people are saying " "Mrs. Milvain?" Rodney exclaimed. "What has she told you?" His air of open confidence entirely vanished. "Oh, people are saying that you're in love with Cassandra, and that you don't care for me." "They have seen us?" he asked.

"Are you engaged, Van der Kemp?" he asked. "No I am at your service." "Come below then, I want to have a talk with you." Thus left alone, and overhearing a loud burst of laughter at the fore part of the steamer, Nigel went forward to see what was going on. He found a group of sailors round his comrade Moses, apparently engaged in good-natured "chaff."

A knot of heads gathered about her, and Amy strained her ears to hear what was going on, for broken sentences filled her with curiosity, and frequent peals of laughter made her wild to share the fun. One may imagine her suffering on overhearing fragments of this sort of conversation. "She rides splendidly. Who taught her?" "No one.

In this my prayer I most humbly echo the voice of Russia's millions, whose dearest wish is that a son be born unto our Imperial House. O God, I beseech thee to grant us our request!" From my place of concealment I saw the Tsaritza start visibly. She wore a veil, so that I could not see her countenance. She had halted, entranced by overhearing that prayer uttered by the unkempt stranger.