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It is supplied with water that comes forty milds in an aqueduct and gits there as fresh and sparklin' as if it hadn't travelled a mild. I felt that I ort to go and see the Emperor, Francis Joseph, while I wuz in Vienna.

But I s'pose I'd ort to be satisfied, I drug down most of the other money all but the ropin', an' I'd of had that if it hadn't of be'n fer Tex Benton's luck. An' he'll win ag'in, chances is if his cinch holds. Here he comes now; him an' that breed. They hain't never no more'n a rope's len'th apart. Tex must have somethin' on him the way he dogs him around."

"I reckon it's be'n three or four thousand years since I was young," he sighed to himself; then, pushing his hat still further down over his eyes: "I don't believe I'd ort to rightly look on at that." He sighed again as he rose, and gently spoke the name of his dead wife: "Marjie, it's be'n lonesome, sometimes.

But this is the oldest tree in the world; it is over two thousand years old." "Wall, it ort to be cut down, Samantha, if it is that age; it is seasoned and would make crackin' good lumber." Oh, how oncongenial Josiah Allen is by spells; he seemed to be quite a distance off from me as he made them remarks.

'Taint nothin' I want to do, and you ort to know it." And I says in pityin' axents but firm, "If you don't want to, Josiah, I wouldn't, fashion or no fashion." But I see I couldn't convince him, and there happened to be a skercity of men jest then and he kep' it up, and it kep' me on the key veav, as Maggie says, when she is on the tenter hooks of suspense.

I see how it wuz, Karen's friends, to please her, wuz willin' to offer up their sure comforts and solid foundations as a sacrifice on the altar of friendship and the thought come over me, mebby I'd ort to. But it did seem as if I couldn't. Sez Karen, "If it is a success at cousin Luman's, as it is dead sure to be, Jabez is goin' to take it to the St. Louis Exposition."

But I knowed I wuz onreasonable to even wish it, for grim old Experience must stand at the hellum every time in everybody's life, and folks hadn't ort to expect dyin' grace to live by; Molly had got to weather the storm of life whether or no and I couldn't help it. But to stop eppisodin' and resoom.

"Ort to be somebody kind o' heavy-set, ort n't it?" hinted the grocer, giving a recognizable description of himself. "Well, I don' know 'bout that," contested Abel. "Git somebody kind o' spry an' he could pad out weth a pilfer. A pussy man 'd find it rather onhandy comin' down that chimbly an' hoppin' hether an' yan takin' things off o' the tree.

Fifty bucks ort to buy a whole lot of car ridin'. An' don't you stop to do no gamblin', neither Ain't I told you it's onrespectable an' divertin' to morals? If you don't sabe coon can no better'n what you do poker, you stand about as much show amongst these here Greasers as a rabbit in a coyote patch.

''Oo'd have thort it, she said when she had slightly recovered. 'That there grizzly bear of a Mr. Roarings, too! 'So you are referring to one of my guests, I interrupted sternly. 'I'm ashamed of you, Elizabeth. 'Well, you only ort ter see 'im now! Talk about grubs turnin' into butterflies 'I'm not talking about anything of the sort, I interposed with extreme asperity of manner.